18 (final chapter)

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"I... I've got feelings for you."

Upon hearing those words escape from the ethereal woman before his eyes, a rose-colored tint spreads across his cheeks, unable to contain his reaction to himself. Taehyung's heart falls to his stomach, a reaction that felt far too familiar when being with Iris. The hammering of his heart pounded boomingly in his ears and vibrated throughout his body as he could feel it in the tips of his slender fingers. His heart flutters continuously, and his extreme, intense desire to kiss her right then and there grew more tempting.

"Then... why'd you kiss him?" Taehyung suddenly asks with a solemn expression in which Iris could see hurt in his eyes which only made her feel more guilty.

Iris gulps, "That night— I didn't kiss him. He kissed me. But I-I know I should've just pushed him away or something, but I just felt too frozen to do anything. I was distracted and all but, I know that I don't want him." She explains, continuing to maintain eye contact in which her anxiety spikes through her spine.

The woman nervously licks her lips as she didn't receive any response from the love-stricken man. "H-Have you been thinking about this?"

Taehyung intently gazes at Iris, starting off slow, "I don't know, Iris..." He sighs. He slightly cocks his head to the side, "You tell me." He softly says, his line of slight dropping lower and lower, which frightened Iris.

A spark of bravery takes over as he leans closer and pulls her towards him, engulfing his lips with hers, sharing a passionate, sweet kiss. The adrenaline pumps through her veins, making her heart thump faster and harder. Her senses intensified, accommodated by her sudden urge to return the gesture. She began to move her own pair against his, butterflies flapping violently around in her stomach. His nerves acted up wildly as he continues to devour her lips so desperately, so full of want but need. He had been yearning for this since the woman caught his sharp interest.

The two pull away, smiling softly at each other. His gripping eyes were captivated by her beautiful, spellbound eyes. It was like he never wanted to tear away from the tangible dream he was living. The incredible moment that he longed for was right in front of his eyes.

What left the woman in blatant shock was when the man leans right back in, undeniably crashing his lips right on hers again. His hand brushed against her soft cheek and soon held her chin to gain more access. Soon after, he pulls away and his smile grew instantly, unable to keep his mouth from grinning cheekily.

Taehyung gives her the familiar, big grin that somehow had more joy in it with his eyes that shined with hope and bliss, turning into lines.

"I think you did think about this... a lot." Iris shyly piped, puckering her lips to the side, smiling while sneering her eyes at him. Taehyung lets out a soft chuckle, shaking his head.


The next afternoon, the familiar ring was heard again, and Iris gets up with a fueling heart to answer the door to see the expected guest.

She opens the door to Taehyung leaning against the doorframe effortlessly with his chin up, playful eyes, and a smirk decorated across his beautiful, handsome face.

"Delivery." Taehyung announces, empty handed but eyes full of admiration and heart full of endearment.

"Oh really?" She questions, poking her head out to exaggeratedly look around, "I don't see a package around." She teased, throwing a raised eyebrow at the striking, confident male.

"That's because I am the full package." He cockily states, running a hand through his soft locks, seductively while retaining a slight smug smirk on. She giggles.

"Ooh," She sings with exaggerated brightened eyes, "Where do I sign?"

— END.

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