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"What is he doing here?" Iris asks rhetorically through her gritted teeth with balled fists by her sides. She stared at the tall figure standing outside of her house on her porch. Indigo told her that he said he won't leave until he sees her.

"Do you want me to come with you?" Taehyung asks, concern flooding his eyes.

Iris redirects her attention from Namjoon to Taehyung, "No, it's okay. I got this— just give me a minute." She says, taking deep breaths silently.

"I can go beat him up for you." Taehyung says, half-joking.

Iris shakes her head, continuing to stare at the figure. The car was parked a few houses away, and Iris already felt anxious. She gets out of the car, leaving Taehyung behind.

He looks at the tall man on her porch and suddenly feels emotionally threatened.

Iris approaches the figure, and he immediately snaps his head up when he heard footsteps, meeting eyes with her. Iris gulps, feeling frightened by his eyes as Taehyung attentively watches from the car window, biting his nails.

"Iris." The woman cringed at the way it rolled off of his tongue. It sounded too familiar but full of a different meaning, and she was afraid.

Taehyung watched the two converse with each other. Iris held an expression of anger, betrayal, and hurt. The other man looked broken and guilty. Iris starts using her hands to talk to him. The man converses back, stiff in his position. They keep exchanging words and looks. Then, Iris starts yelling at him, and the man argues back with a soft expression.

Iris starts crying. She kept her stance, looking at the man, but Taehyung could evidently see tears falling down her cheeks under the dim street lamps. He wanted to get out of the car, hug her, and comfort her.

The standing man starts to look down, continuing to say things with his hands in his pockets. Iris looked back up, and he meets her eyes too. He swiftly takes his hands out of his black jeans and pressed his large palms on the sides of her soft cheeks, wiping away her tears gently with his thumbs.

Taehyung found his blood boiling after that. It was like some aura of jealousy took over, and it was killing him inside.

Iris doesn't move as his hands fell back to his sides again. She keeps looking up at him, and he cracks a smile, showing his prominent dimples that Iris once fell hard for. Iris continues to let her streaming tears down, and the man starts saying things to the wretched, frail woman. The woman wipes her eyes, saying another sentence or two. The man steps forward and wraps his arms around her body.

At this point, Taehyung felt frustrated. He had to fight the urge to kick his car door down and let his fist meet his face for the way he treated her.

After a while, the figure removes his arms. The two just stay idle there. The man keeps staring at Iris, and she just stood there, looking down at her feet.

Taehyung narrowed his eyes, his gaze piercing through the arrogant man in front of Iris.

However, all of his strong, built up anger was subsided and was replaced by pure disbelief and heartache as the man lifts her chin up and leans in to kiss her. Taehyung wished he didn't have eyes as he clearly witnessed the man's lips press against her, feeling like his heart truly broke into a million pieces. He couldn't bear to watch the scene before him, so he started his car quickly and drove away.

Iris gasps, turning around to hear a vehicle driving away loudly on the road only to notice it was Taehyung's red Chevrolet. Her heart immediately plummets to her stomach, realizing what Taehyung just saw.

"Shit!" She whimpered, tears falling profusely down her red cheeks.

"What?" Namjoon asks, oblivious of the situation and rather angry that their kiss was interrupted.

"Leave me alone! You can't just do what you had done and stroll back into my life, pretending like everything is peachy and fine! You're a complete fucking asshole for what you did to me, and I don't know what kind of audacity you had to show up to my house and leave me vulnerable again! Again! Go away already! You were doing so well on it for so long!"

"Iris, I-"

"Shut the fuck up, and leave me alone! I already told you that I like someone else! I will never fall for you ever again even by you, trying to poison me with your lips smeared in pure lust. I won't fall in again so give up already and go away." She snaps, angry tears falling down. She abruptly storms away and into her house, slamming the door, leaving a defeated, dumbfounded Namjoon outside.

Indigo runs to the door, instantly bringing a hyperventilating Iris into her arms, "Oh, sis..." She softly says as Iris quietly sobs in her shoulder.

"What am I going to tell Taehyung? Oh god," Iris whimpers with trembling lips. Indigo rubs her back, "Shh, you'll fix everything soon. Don't worry. Things will fall into place." She says, rubbing her back in soothing motions while Iris continues to cry.

"For now, let's just focus on how ridiculously ugly you look in this button-up shirt. It's not even tucked in." Indigo says in which Iris loudly laughs, accidentally letting snot coming out of her nose.

"Eww! You're fucking disgusting!" Indigo yells, pushing the hysterically laughing woman off of her to take a look at her wet shoulder.

Iris pouts, "I love you." She sings, wiping her wet cheeks.

Indigo scrunches her face up, "Ugh," She grumbled, going upstairs to change her shirt. Iris giggles, trailing behind her afterward.


Iris's eyes couldn't comfortably close as she deliberately kept forcing herself to fall into a deep slumber, but her energy could not be drained. Turning her body around like a caterpillar numerous times, she abruptly sits up, heaving a sigh of pure frustration.

Iris blew away the strands of her hair that were hanging from her view to the side, and she turns her head to the windows to look out. Everything was dark which reflected the way her mind was inside. This scared her sometimes, but she never put much thought into it.

The view was beautifully displayed. Most of the buildings had no light, indicating most of the city was asleep. However, there were many awake residents as well, dawning upon their unstoppable thoughts that their mind drew to.

She was one of them.

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