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After an entire week of working extended hours and a few night shifts, Taehyung felt so exhausted. It was as if he was wearing a ton of weights on his shoulders, but there was nothing tangible over his deltoids.

He entered his delivery truck to drive back to the station. Once he dropped it off and got into his car, he immediately fell asleep in the driver's seat. At 11:30 PM, he woke up, alarmed. Thinking that he was on duty, he panicked, only to calm down when he looked at the time. He realized what was happening, and he quietly laughed at himself at his own idiocy.

He drove home with Iris dancing in his mind. For a while now, she hasn't left much of his mind as she occupied most of his daytime thoughts and even dreams. Locking his car with a swift motion of clicking a button, he entered his apartment building and suddenly felt his adrenaline pumping as he saw the lights were on.

A figure steps out, causing Taehyung to shriek at first instinct only to realize who it was. He put a hand on his heart, exhaling as he was quite relieved it wasn't a criminal in his apartment but a woman who laughed at his reaction.

"Soyeon? How'd you get in here?" He asks, rubbing the back of his head. She flicks the key up with her index finger, "I still have the key you gave me."

"Oh. Well, what are you doing here?" He asks, eyebrows furrowed.

"Because I miss you," Soyeon whined, pouring a little while sitting on the couch with one leg over the other. The woman dressed in elegant attire with a clean, neat dress that was right below her knees.

Taehyung couldn't help but to let out a blunt scoff, a sarcastic smile plastered on his face, "No one misses me."

"You know that's not true!" Soyeon argues, getting defensive.

Taehyung brushes the air with his hand, "Fine— maybe to the smallest extent, you do, but none of them do. I know that they don't. They made it very clear after the years of birthdays when none of them bothered to call me to wish me a happy birthday besides you." He says, feeling his frustration fueling inside.

Soyeon purses her lips, getting up and extending her arms around Taehyung in which the male falls limp on her shoulder, "But, I miss you. Why won't you visit for my sake then?"

Taehyung wraps her frail, smaller form in which her head rested perfectly on his chest, "Look, I love you and all but I don't want to meet the eyes of everyone else who sees me as an utter disappointment. I'm sorry that I haven't visited, but in simple words, I don't want to be there." He explains, recalling his previous conversations.

The woman sighs defeated, "This Sunday, our aunts, uncles, and cousins are coming over, and we are having a family gathering. Please come. You should be able to see them." Soyeon explains softly, hoping that her brother would agree to her composition.

"I don't want to see them. They're not going to want me there anyway." Taehyung carelessly says, causing Soyeon to soften, "They're still your family, Taehyung-ah." She comments, as he blatantly corrects her, "By blood. I never felt like I belonged as a family. I never felt like I was family."

The woman sighs, "Please come. For my sake, please? I just want you there."

Taehyung closed his eyes, extending his back backward to let out a loud, exaggerated, defeated groan.

"Do you have a friend or girlfriend? You can bring them. Seojun and Seokjin are going to bring their wives. Chan will be there too. All your brothers and me. C'mon Taehyungie. Won't reuniting be a good thing? We haven't had a chance for all siblings to be together since a few years ago." Soyeon says, trying to persuade her stubborn younger brother.

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