Chapter 22

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For a few days the Tarraxen ships continued to drift in high orbit above Earth. Yet to be contacted, their contents were growing more anxious by the hour, there was endless talk amongst the refugees that they would simply be shunned and turned away. On the surface the military forces had ceased their erratic movements and there were no visible signs that they intended to attack, but still there was yet no good news. Eva was the most concerned, her specialist training had left her with a limited capacity for trust and optimism regarding her fellow humans.

"I think you're being paranoid, the inspection went well, we just have to be patient," asserted Lloyd. Eva scoffed disapprovingly. "It's only been a few days, and they do have a lot to consider."

"That's right!" spat Eva, "they do have a lot to consider. For all we know they are mortified that we led an alien race here," she declared as she stood looking upon the Earth's surface from the bridge.

Lloyd scratched his chin, "you do have a point there, although, what if they were impressed by the Tarraxen technology and wish to trade or something?" Eva's face went blank, the only other possibility she hadn't calculated for was trade. The human capacity for seeking power could prove beneficial for the Gaia survivors. Energy-based weapons were still currently beyond the realm of human ingenuity and would certainly make a good bargaining chip.

Felix and Maddison entered the bridge, Maddison almost skipped as she walked. She was so elated her father had survived, Felix hadn't seen her so happy since they first departed on their expedition. "Any news?" enquired Felix as he sat down. He knew well that there wasn't considering the tension being given off by Eva, but without the art of conversation he may find himself alienated from his friends so Felix continued to ask the obvious.

"Not yet buddy," sighed Lloyd. "I bet it will be any minute now though," he added as his voice picked up. To which Eva scoffed and looked away. Felix and Maddison bit their tongues with no intention of provoking Eva further. Lloyd's new body had given him a new lease on life and he was now ever the optimist. As happy as Eva was to still have him, she continued to fall victim to old habits and often found herself figuratively biting at those around her over the minutest of details. Luckily the general consensus of her new friends was that of patience and understanding. "Tell me," Lloyd called to Felix calmly and he looked back. "Can you read any of their thoughts from here?" he asked as he gestured with his thumb towards the planet they loomed over. Maddison's ears twitched as she was only just wondering herself, she sat forward and stared intently at Felix waiting on his answer.

Felix stood and stretched in his usual careless fashion like a cat having spent hours deciding to finally get up. "Afraid not guys. I have been trying, and although I can sense there are people near by and a lot of them at that. I have no idea about anything more specific, I'm not sure if there's just too many or more likely the distance is too vast," he surmised.

"I see," replied Lloyd still fingering his chin. "I had a feeling you'd say that. I wonder what it will be like for you on the surface. I imagine it might be quite overwhelming with so many voices."

Felix grinned, but Maddison spoke up first. "I think he will be okay," she declared, Lloyd appeared uncertain though curious. Eva did well to pretend she wasn't interested as she listened while she stood away from them still staring outside.

"Oh?" Lloyd pondered, "so what's the secret?"

"It's no big secret," admitted Felix casually, "I've just been training all this time. I can't really turn it off per se but I can turn it right down if I need too. The paranoid thoughts of the refugees are enough to keep me from wanting to hear things unnecessarily."

"Are they that bad?" asked Lloyd with grave concern now looming.

"Yeah, pretty much. I mean they've all been shaky from everything that's happened understandably, but now the waiting is really taking it's toll," Felix elaborated.

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