Chapter 30

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At Erranos' requisition, the Tarraxen High Command, their largest armada, serving as a moving base communicating with all other Tarraxen fleets had begun construction on the new station for the humans. All Tarraxen ships since departing Arntarra began life inside a Bo'rarn Tarsk. The largest of all Tarraxen builds, these construction carriers acted as moving dry-docks expanding the Tarraxen forces constantly whilst in transit. Upon finding desired materials, large probes were sent to harvest and return to their Bo'rarn Tarsk for refinement and construction. A Sarrat class ship could be completed in under two weeks, if all required materials were well stocked. The Bo'rarn Tarsk's were of an immense size, almost 490km in length and 130km in diameter they dwarfed all other Tarraxen ships. Having no sealed areas for occupants, the entire carriers were hollow like a perforated tube with thousands of entrances for probes and a large mouth-like opening at the front for birthing finished constructs. The original design concept was inspired by the first Scourge pod encountered over Arntarra. At the time of the station's commission, there were eleven Bo'rarn Tarsk's that made up the High Command Armada, along with thousands of other ships.

Erranos' description had left the human imagination wanting as they were ill prepared for the leviathan vessel that approached. Most were simply awestruck, whilst other merely swore under their breath or muttered nonsense in disbelief. Those that faced the front of the Bo'rarn Tarsk could see the silhouette of a structure within, as dozens of large and hundreds of smaller robotic arms, worked tirelessly on the construction. In escort were twenty Baroodas and sixty Sarrats, it was quite clear how significant the Bo'rarn Tarsks were as a part of the Armada, to lose even one would deal an immense setback to Tarraxen efforts. This fact further deepened the ever growing respect of the humans for their hosts.

Una made an announcement for those who weren't already gawking outside that the ship building their new home had arrived, and that construction was on schedule, due to finish in approximately two months time.

The Council met together on the bridge of their Lotar and Erranos advised that one of his kin had arrived within the escort. The Council was most intrigued about meeting another Tarraxen and were bordering on giddy as one of the escort Baroodas approached and docked with their Lotar matrix. True to Tarraxen style, what appeared before them was like any other drone, it entered through the air-lock and made its way to the bridge. The bridge doors opened and in stepped the newcomer.

Erranos moved towards the newcomer but said nothing, instead he turned back to the others. "Council of Alpha Colony, may I introduce Kor'tahn." The Council eagerly stood and bowed. Kor'tahn reciprocated.

"Hello," he spoke in an identical tone to Erranos. Felix felt as the entire council except for Gaia, had thought to themselves how confusing it would be to tell them apart and he snickered in his mind.

Una stepped forward extending her arm proudly, Kor'tahn followed suit and they shook hands. "I can't begin to thank you for this most generous of gifts," she explained.

"No need. Erranos has elaborated how the decision was mutually beneficial," replied Kor'tahn.

"Oh, well yes," Una uttered, "but still, I wish to convey our immense gratitude."

"Accepted." Walking past a dumbfounded and rather snubbed feeling Una, Kor'tahn positioned himself at the front of the bridge and without touching anything an image appeared filling the entire front portion of the bridge wall. They now had a probes-eye view of their station being constructed. All the internal systems were close to completion and the heavier portions of the hull were being fortified. Though Alpha Colony's insides would resemble Gaia Station, the outward appearance was completely different. Rather than a sphere, Alpha colony was comprised of three main superstructures. The central section, a fast curving spheroid was joined at top and bottom by identical octagonal pyramids stopping short of forming points. "Capacity for four million, with an average of 1.14 occupants per designated dwelling," Kor'tahn advised them.

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