Upa x Reader Part 1

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You were a new inmate of Nanba prison, building 5. You had only just met the Supervisor Samon, and he was forcing you to go to training. As you stepped on to the training field, you spotted many prisoners, but the main three your eyes focused on were all near each other. An older looking man with glasses and rubble was laying next to flowers, looking to be asleep. The next person you spotted was a young man with a long black braid. He was sparring with the last boy that caught your eye. He was wearing a hat with a tag on the front. He had blue hair and very white skin. On top of that, he had red swirls on his cheeks and he was blasting a light beam out of his hands.... Wait, what?!

Y/n stared as the third guy used this... Power. She was confused and her interest was sparked. After the fight ended between guy two and guy three, Y/n noticed guy three run up and challenge the Supervisor, Samon.

Samon accepted the challenge and the two went on the training ground, starting the sparring. While that was happening, Y/n saw the man who had supposedly been sleeping, now standing next to her.

"Well, I'll be damned. They actually brought a girl to this prison for once. Hello, pretty lady. My name is Qi. And you are?"

"Not interested." Y/n giggled softly. She glanced up at him with h hier E/c eyes and smiled. "My name is Y/n."

He nodded "do you know what cell you've been assigned to?" He asked with curiosity and she looked down, unsure. She had been told what cell, but she forgot along the way.

"I think I was told I'd be in cell No.5"

"If that's true then congrats! You're in the cell with me and my cell mates. Those two can be quite commanding. At least you have me in there to keep you entertained."

"Oh! Do you mind pointing them out and telling me their names, please?" Y/n asked innocently and she blinked her beautiful E/c eyes.

"Ah, sure." He pointed his finger in the direction of the long black braided hair man and smiled "That's Liang. He's always trying to get stronger." Then, Qi pointed at the boy who used some sort of magic. "And that is Upa. He's always wanting to train to become stronger, and he yells at everyone. He's always straight faced. Have fun trying to get him as a good friend."

She smiled softly and smiled "I can do this."

There was a buzzing noise and all inmates went back to their cells. Samon pulled You along to cell No.5 and opened the door "Inmates! A new prisoner will be joining you!" He pushed You in the cell, closed the door, locked it and walked away. Y/n glanced at them, walking over to Qi and shyly hiding behind him.

"Out of all the people in this cell she chooses the trash." Upa spoke emotionlessly.

"He's not garbage. He was the first inmate to talk to me when I came here!" You recoiled.

Maybe You couldn't do this.

I hope my few readers enjoyed this chapter. I'm started off with some drama~!
Have a great day~!

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