Upa x Reader Pt.2

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There you and the boy inmate were, arguing yet again. 

You two have argued since the moment you were put into the cell. He was sarcastic, all "Meh" and rude, you on the other hand, were bright with personality and kind. You never thought you would get along with him, and as far as you know, you were correct. 

You sat in the cafeteria, your arms crossed as you yelled at the blue haired boy's rude remarks. You could not take it anymore, he was driving you insane. He always called your friends rude names and was always distancing himself from the rest of the cellmates. You were tired of it. 

Standing up abruptly, Many faces turned to you because of the slam your fists made on the table. You ran up to the blue haired boy, ready to smack him, when you got held back by the orange and green haired monkey.

"Cool it, inmate!" He hollered as you kicked around in his arms. 

You saw Upa looking at you with a shocked expression and his cheeks were a light pink. 

You finally were able to turn to look at the Monkey Supervisor and you growled. "I DEMAND A NEW CELL!" You yelled, your kind personality washing away to reveal your angry side. You noticed your silver haired friend, Qi, look at you with sadness behind his glasses. Samon got irritated with you and he yanked you away from the scene. Little did you know that there was somebody following.


"Stay in there!" the supervisor yelled, throwing you into Solitary Confinement. 

You yelped in deep pain as your back hit the concrete and you heard the cell be locked. You sad there, your happiness completely disappearing as you felt cold and lonely, sitting there in the small, small area. You didn't mean to lose your cool, you just couldn't handle your friends being hurt with those words, not again.. you couldn't. 

Last time, you thought that being in prison would keep you away from the rudeness that made you go nuts and get in prion, but there was just something about your Jerk cellmate that made you want to scream. He had this crazy effect on you, but all he did was have to saw a couple words to get the annoyed and old you out. You felt that you needed to hate him to escape him.

You covered your face, only to feel the fluid running down. You were crying and you didn't notice it until you felt it. That made you more teary. You let out your sadness in the form of loud whimpers and cried. You couldn't contain it anymore, you held it in since you got sent to prison in the first place.

"I'm sorry.." You heard a familiar voice speak.


To Be continued...

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