Liang x Reader Soulmate! AU

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Request by Emo-Queen23

I'm so glad I finally get a request. I Hope to get more.


No color... 

That's all the world was to you, and probably much others. You doubted that it would change as you sat in your prison cell of building thirteen. 

You glanced to your new cellmates, Uno, a boy with long hair and the number 11. Nico, a boy with bandages and the number 25. Jyugo, a boy with, heterochromatic eyes and shackles around his neck, wrists and ankles, number 15, and Rock, a boy with bright eyes (you could tell by the bright white), a scar across his nose and the number 69. You were number 44, and, a female. 

You were annoyed that the supervisor put you in a cell with all boys. It was not quite appropriate, but he said that the boys wouldn't try anything, and you actually became friends with the boys. All five of you sat in the cell together and heard a loud opening sound to see that your supervisor, Hajime, opened the cell with a growl. Nico had annoyed him to take them to building 5, to go see his 'Master.' You shivered uncomfortably at what he called the other, but you knew he didn't mean it in a weird way. The guard forced all five of you out of the cell and on your way to building five, once there, you looked around. You sighed at the colorless area and walked to the cafeteria, where it had been food time on their way to the building. You heard the annoying yell of the Supervisor of building five as he yelled at inmates goofing off, and just then your eyes caught sight of Rock heading over to a boy with a braid, thinner than Uno's. 

You gasped as the world around you filled with color, and you noticed the beauty of all the colors around you. The boy that caused this was staring at you with shock, the same way you were staring at him. You caught sight of how beautiful his long, black hair was along with the beautiful three dots on his face. You noticed that he had pink around his eyes, and that he wore colors that made eachother pop. You walked over, not having to force your gaze away because you loved looking at him, just the sight of him. You walked closer and awkwardly stuck your hand out. 

"Hi.." you spoke gently.

Liang POV

She's beautiful, her h/l h/c flowing around her face as my Magenta eyes met her gorgeous E/c orbs. She had beautiful colors, the first colors I have ever seen other than black and white. I heard her greet and I immediately stood up, cheeks warm. "Hello!"

She blushed gently and showed a soft smile. she took her hand in my own that was sticking out and she shook it. "My name is Y/n.."

I nodded gently and flashed a smile of my own, "L-Liang.." I muttered out and looked around. "Man.. It's nice to discover how beautiful even a prison can be.. isn't it?" I ask.

She looked around as well and nodded. "Yeah, It is."


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