Nico x Murderer!Reader pt.1

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You were a mass murderer, and every prison you were put in, none of them could contain you... You didn't escape without killing at least one guard.

Killing made you happy, and you just laughed as you committed the crime.

Finally, you were sent to a prison that supposedly was the best in Japan. Nanba prison. When you were escorted there, your hands were chained together in a capsule to keep you from moving them a bit. The bald guard walked up to you and he growled. You examined his features with a wicked smile on your face. He had a scar going over his eye and cheek, and he had a sharp gaze and a red arm band.

"Inmate number 65! You will be put in Nanba's building thirteen, cell thirteen. You will be in a cell with four men, but they will not harm you any, and your hands will be bound so you cannot hurt them any. If attempted, you will be bound to the wall, you got that?" He asked sharply.

You only just nodded your head, and guards took you to the said building. Once there, he took you inside and to the required cell. A boy went up to the cell, all excited. The boy exclaimed "Hajime! Who's this beauty?!"

You examined that boy. He was wearing a blue and white prison outfit, the top of it tied around his waist, and a black tank top. His number said "1311". He had a long braid, his hair consisting of the colors yellow and pink, and he wore a medallion around his neck.

"What?! No way, a female?! For real?!" A voice was heard, and number 11 looked over to a boy who you noticed had black hair with red on the ends. He wore a black and white striped uniform, and shackles around his neck, wrists, and ankles. His tag said "1315". You noticed he had a 15 on his cheek and looked at the in mate 11. He had a one on the back of each hand.

The other two walked up, and you saw one with purple and red hair. He was bigger than the rest and he had to the number 69 on his arm. He was wearing an orange jumpsuit, and the other one was wearing a orange jumpsuit as well. The other one had green hair and bandages all over him. You looked all around his skin but couldn't find his number. That frustrated you.

Hajime ignored them all and threw you into the cell. With a direct voice, he said; "Number 65, your execution will take place next week. Don't get too comfortable."

You bowed your head, and went to go sit into the corner. You hugged your knees and stayed quiet, and the rest of the inmates looked at you with a worried look on their face.

The green haired one went to go sit next to you, and you glanced at his tag. His said "1325". You glanced around him again but couldn't find his number. You asked about it, in almost a whisper, saying; "Pardon me... But.. I found that this one is 11," you pointed towards #11. "And that one's 15" you pointed towards the boy with the black and white prison outfit, who you just noticed had two different colored eyes. "And the other is number 69.." you motioned your head towards the red and purpled haired boy. "And they all have their numbers pasted on them... But.. where's yours?"

The bandaged boy laughed and opened his mouth, sticking out his tongue to show 25 pasted on it. You smiled gently and showed that your own number was on your neck.

"If I may ask... What are your names..?" You asked softly

11 walked up to you and smiled "Uno!"
The boy with the shackles smiled "my name's Jyugo."

You saw green out of the corner of your eye, and saw the boy with the bandages hugging you
"That's rock!" He pointed to the big guy "and I'm Nico!"

((To be continued..))

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