Jyugo x Reader Pt.1

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You were sitting in the cafeteria of the prison. Though many people were in the room, you sat alone, eating the delicious food of Nanba prison. You stayed quiet as you looked over to a table, seeing four people. Your four cellmates.

One had a long braid we with the two colors pink and yellow making it very noticeable. He wore a prison uniform of blue and white, and a blank tank top. On each hand, there was a tattooed "1" to represent his prison number "11". His nails were blue, and he had a blue tattoo on his left arm. His name was Uno.

Another one of your cellmates was a boy named Rock. He wore an orange jumpsuit and his hair consisted of the colors purple and red. He had a scar across his nose and he was very muscular. On his muscled right arm, there was the number "69" placed there. He had bright yellow eyes that you found quite pretty, and you even saw matching hair accessories on the ends of his hair. At first, you thought they were long earrings until you noticed that they were connected to his colorful hair. You smiled at the thought and glanced at the third boy. He has red (?) Nails

He was shorter than the rest, and you noticed that he had bandages around some of his body parts, like around his face to cover his right eye, around his neck, around his fingers, hand and arm on his right side, and even around his ankle. There was also a heavy round weight chained to the boy's ankle. He was also wearing an orange jumpsuit, and his hair was a beautiful shade of green. The boy had red eyes and the number "25" was tattooed on his tongue. His name was Nico and you were aware that he was a big fan of anime. He had green nails.

Then, the last one that you looked to, the one you were most amazed by and your chest heated up whenever you saw him, was Jyugo. He has beautiful two different colored eyes, and hair consisting of the colors black and red. The lock picking boy wore a black and white prison outfit, and there were "shackles" around his neck, wrists and ankles. The outfit was town in the areas the shackles were, and you noticed that he had the number "15" tattooed to his right cheek. His fingernails were black, and his smile was amazing to see.

Your face turned red as you stared at the japanese boy who was born in prison, and smiled softly as you thought of what good friends all the boys were. You knew they were all escape artists, and you found it funny whenever they upset the supervisor Hajime Sugoroku.

As you were staring, you noticed the shackled boy glance at you, and you immediately turned away, embarrassed that you had been caught staring at him and his friends. You didn't notice Jyugo talking to his friends, and then standing up with them to walk over to you. They all sat at your table with their food and smiled.

You looked at them with a shocked look before smiling. "Hey guys.." you mumbled softly.

Jyugo grinned gently, and didn't say anything as rock laughed.

"(Y/n), you know that you can sit with us all the time. We're all cellmates, you know!" Rock grinned, eating his food

You smiled and nodded softly "yeah... We are.."

To be continued

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