(12) Hitman

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Your POV:

You knew something like this would happen soon enough but there was nothing you could do about it now.

"(Y/N), who is that?" Alex questioned "Wait actually...I think I recognise her..."

Corey and Alex stared at Rachael, who was still lying in your bed.

Soon Corey's eyes went wide "That's Rachael Ward!"

"Oh yeah, you're right," Alex said "I thought I saw her from somewhere, she was in that film, which was uh...Midnight Animal right!"

"Mmm yeah," Corey replied "What is she doing here (Y/N)?"

Your bed sheets started rustling and you instantly turned to the former actress who rose from your bed.

She rubbed her eyes lightly before opening them.

"Wh-where am I?" Rachael murmured.

She looked around and saw Corey, Alex, the small girl and soon...

"Y-you?!" She blurted out pointing at you "(Y-Y/N)?!"

You nodded taking your mask off.

"Wait how did she know who you are?" Alex questioned.

You looked at Alex "We were together."

"Oh that explai- wait what?!"

You almost smiled.


"D-did you save me (Y/N)?" Rachael cried, dark blue tears coming from her light blue eyes.

You nodded.

She instantly got up and hugged you.

"(Y/N)..." She whispered "I'm so sorry for leaving you...I-I never sh-should have done that..."

You hugged her as well lightly.

"Even after how I've treated you...you st-still risked your own life to save me..." She whimpered.

You only nodded.

"Um...we're still here guys..." Alex grumbled.

"Guys, I think we have company!" Corey called out as she looked down from the window "There's a load of guys coming from that American gang."

"How did they find us?" Alex said "Crap I don't have my chainsaw!"

"I don't have my gun or my sword either," Corey groaned.

You just shook your head as you put your Earl mask back on. You gestured to everyone to wait in there before you ran out off the room and hid in the room where you killed the two gangsters.

Just as you suspected, their phones were ringing.

You sighed to yourself as you picked up two pistols from their bodies and waited to the right side of the doorway. You heard a lot of footsteps coming up the stairway.

You waited.

And waited.

Then you breathed.

In. Out.

You dived out of the doorway raining bullets, shooting seven men caught in the spray, spraying red liquid all over the hallway. You dropped the pistols before picking up an uzi from the bloodied floor.

Two more men appeared from the staircase but you instantly shot them sending them sprawling down the staircase. Two grenades soon came flying up from the staircase so you dived back into the hallway, dodging the explosion.

The Masked Jacket (Black Lagoon + Hotline Miami/Black Lagoon x JacketMaleReader)Where stories live. Discover now