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Tyler POV
"Ugh what should I wear?" I say "no....no not this.....mmm nope" I'm Tyler and I just moved here from Utah. I just am not used to moving. I lived in Utah my whole life....until now. I doubt anybody will like me. "I can't look to emo." I say. Although I am. "But I can't look to well.......not emo?" I didn't now what to say although I'm just talking to myself in a mirror. I decided on wearing a light gray shirt, light blue jeans, white vans (the shoes), and a black nike jacket. My mom drives me to school. She says that she'll get me a car when I'm 17. I'm 16. I have my permit. I need my license. I have four months till my birthday. It's its August 21st. Well four months twenty days ago to be exact. I get to this big, gigantic, huge, and (sorry) FAT SCHOOL. Wooh. I go to the office to get my schedule. My first class is band. Only if band had a piano or a ukulele. That would be nice. I wait and lean against the wall and wait for the bell to ring. I see a guy with green hair. He is also by the band classroom on the other side of the door. I for some reason can't stop staring at him. He looks familiar. He looks at me and I quickly look away.

Josh POV

I'm used to this. I threw on some random clothes and ran in my car. Oops. Forgot about my backpack. Eh. Don't need it anyway. I drove my car wondering who moved in next door. I'll see. Oops (again). I forgot something to eat. Ugh. I guess I'll have to wait till lunch.....this might be hard. I walk in say hi to old friends and I go to the office to get my schedule. Band is first. Yes! Hopefully I get percussion. I love the drums. I go to the door and wait. Then a guy comes by. I've never seen him. Hey maybe that's my new neighbor. I feel like someone is staring at me. I look at the guy but he quickly looks away. Hmm. He looks familiar as I look longer.

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