The burning is so low it's concerning

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"There's a concert tonight. My Chemical Romance for some reason their just selling the tickets there!" Says Antonia.
"Sure I've got lots of money." Says Josh
"Their really cheap like $70.25!"
"Wow." I say "SURE!"
"Alright!" Says Antonia

"Here's your tickets." Says the guy. "Hope your leg gets to feeling better."
"Thanks." We all say.
"Wow." Is all I could say

After the concert
"It's 12:00!" I yell.
"Doesn't matter." Says Josh.
"Yeah. Where do we go now?"
"I don't know." Says Antonia
"We could get a hotel and go swimming!" Says Antonia
"Yeah!" Says Josh "But I don't have a swimming suit!"
"Than you'll just have to be naked!" Says Antonia. All of us chuckle "I'm just joking. We can buy one." Then I realize.
"But what about my leg?" I say
"We can sit in the hot tub!" Says Josh. "But first to Walmart we go!"

At Walmart
"WAIT!" Josh yells.
"What?" I say
"Those are my parents!"
"Oh crap!" Says Antonia
"Wait they're leaving. Run! To the right!" We all run to the right as he says that. Luckily they didn't notice us.
"Thank God." I say "Now go get you a swimsuit."

At the Hotel.
"Swimming time!" Yells Antonia!
"Yep!" I say
"Let's go!" We all have our swimsuits on and are headed to the pool. We all sit in the hot tub and when I get up to get my crutches my leg feels fine.
"GUYS!" I yell. They look back.
"What?" Asks Josh
"My leg feels better!"
"What!?" Says Antonia "Does this mean we can swim?"
"I think it does!"
"Yay!" Sings Antonia doing a little dance. She was so cute. We get into the pool and have so much fun. We start to have a water fight. "Hey!" Yells Antonia as I splash her with water. She splashes me back. (One thing this hotel was weird because the pool was open until 2am.)
"Hey!" I yell. We all start hitting each other with water and a woman comes in.
"The pools closing in 35 minutes!"
"Thank you." We all start laughing and then my leg starts to feel weaker and weaker every second now.
"Guys." I say
"My le-." I pass out and start drowning. Everyone starts to get me up out of the water.

No one likes you blurryface so mow your dang lawn and sit the heck down!
HoW dArE yOu
It's true!
Im YoUr OnLy TrUe FrIeNd No OnE lIkEs YoU.
That's not true
YeS iT iS
Maybe Blurry was right
DaNg RiGhT i Am
Oh stop
DoNt TrY tO dEnY iT wE aLl KnOw ItS tRuE
No its not.
"Tyler?" Says Josh
"Huh?" I say "What happened?"
"You passed out and started drowning!"
"Well I'm glad your alright." Says Antonia
"Well I'm gonna sleep." Says Josh

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