Tyler-Tyler Joseph?

17 1 2

Josh POV
School went so much slower after that. It felt like it was a day until it was over. I guess I'll text Tyler.



Text me once you get the chance.



This is Tylers mom, he's in the hospital.

What!? Is he alright?

He passed out and hasn't woken up sense

I'm coming right away!

My heart was racing. What was going on? I've only known this guys for a couple of days and I was already.....I don't even know the words! I drove as fast as I could trying not to get a speeding ticket. I arrive at the hospital and go to the front desk. "Excuse me?" I ask as the nurse turns her head "I'm looking for Tyler-Tyler Joseph?" I said stuttering. "Room 129 over to the left." Said the nurse. "He finally woke up just now." Said Tylers mom. "Josh? Is that right? I'm Tylers mom." She said putting out her hand to shake hands. "Nice to meet you." I said as I shook her hand. "What happened?" I asked. "He was walking down the stairs and just fell down!" She said shocked. "You can come in." Said Dr. Melanie. "Josh?" Said Tyler. "Is that you?"
"I can't open my eyes!"
"The reason is-blah blah blah blah blah blah" Dr. Melanie starts blabbering. "He has something in his stomach. It's not Cancer, but some type of bacteria that's not letting him digest right. Did he eat in the time span of 1 to 2 hours?"
"Yeah 30 minutes before it happened." Said his mom.
"I have a stomach ache!" Said Tyler rubbing his eyes finally opening them to see blurriness.
"What did you eat tonight?" Said Dr. Melanie asking Tyler.
"Tacos!" Tyler says cheerfully.
"How are you so calm?" I ask
"I don't even know. I guess I just have a feeling that everything thing might just be alright. I don't feel bad."
"Okay so I think the reason that this happened is because he couldn't digest the taco shell right." Says Dr. Melanie
I call her Dr. Martinez but she doesn't care. Maybe Tyler was right everything was going to be alright.

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