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"Mama,what are those pics"little Levi came asking his mother

"Oooh.. that too old Levi,where did you find it?"

"In that old box"little Levi said pointing to the treasure like old box

"Oh...Levious !
That story was from alotttttttt ago from almost 7 years!"

"Wowwwww 7 years!!!!
That long !
How old was I then,mom?"

"Well ....hmmmm....like...-1?"

Yeah I remember that !
You know when I was -1...I once fought...hmmmm...a shark !
And it went crying !
'Ouchhhhhh Levi...please stop hitting me...my stomach hurt'
It went crying alot,mom!"

"And what did you do then ?"Len asked with curiosity

"I kissed the shark !"He stated


"Yeah the child was -1 years old as well...so,we became best friends...and his mother
Mother shark you know her ?
She cooked me fish strips !"He said mocking his lips

"And was it delecious ,Levi?"

It was delecious and it had yoghurt on it !"

"Well....I don't think I want to try this food ever "She stated

WHO MENTIONED FOOD?!"pretty Ariel said knocking roof door with her leg

"Aunt broughtttttttt hot chocolate !"Levi said hugging his cool aunt who is me ofc!

Levi !
U was just begging me to tell you about the story !"

"Hot chocolate comes first !"

"Annoying children everywhere "Len murmured

"Hoah...hoah don't be jealous...we gonna listen to your story!"I said handing Len hot chocolate

"Nah...that is mine " I annoyed her as she went to take next cup "and that is mine as well!"


I bought them both !"I said getting my mouth out like children

And right now Len went looking at little Levi who was sitting next to me drinking his hot chocolate

"Alright!I will just go buy myself whole store!"Len said as she grabbed my umbrella to go out

"10000 dollar for the umbrella!"I stated


"Ariel's prices for winter days"I said shrugging my shoulders

"Best friends goals !"She said sarcastically going back to her arm chair

"Yeah !best friends !"I said making v sign as I took a sip of each hot chocolate cup

"Mom,here let's share it!"Levi said handing his mom his cup
Awwwwww cute children everywhere in this life

"Little Levi "I asked him to come as he came to his cutie aunt

"Yeah !"

"U love magic ?"

"MAGIC! YOU CAN DO MAGIC?"He said jumping "let me fly !"

"Well I can...But,let's dance together food song !"

"Huh?what is this ?"

"Bimk akscjamsbi jwihsbaki jshhskao jwhhsji ajbwhun ai8cbsjv vaujavfjb abrka dabra hot chocolate jagjsvajajcav" I said playfully "No close your eyes "I said as Levi covered his eyes

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