'The triple date'

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I know it's early morning isn't it!
Sun is shining high by today
What a happy day today must be...
So warm...
Wouldn't it be alot better if I went down to eat

"Give me some to eat !"

"People normally says Good morning"Len said having her face in cereal bowl

"Good you know it's morning "

Len:"Annoying!I was awake whole night...Let me sleep "

"Yeah we know you were !"


"well I love you a little bit of alot " Aurora said putting her hand on her heart dramatically

"Am I your first Love?Don't answer this...I am afraid I get too broken if answer is no "I showed Len video for her phoning Nicholas

"Yah Guys!
You seriously peeked on me using phone?"

"Indeed We did"we both said shaking hands

"What kind of friends do such a thing in their friend ,Huh?"

"Best friends of course !" Aurora said with a wink

"How would you analyse that video,detective Aurora?"

"Um"Aurora spoke putting her hand over her chin

Aurora:"79% redness
40% hugging pillow
37% looking in the mirror to see if she beauty enough and lastly
41% talking cutely"

"So true"

Len:"Hash is that even 100% "

Aurora:"you still have to thank me ,Ariel
If not for me
You wouldn't have video for such a conversation"

"Yeah,I am greatful "

"Give me that video,Ari
Before I kill u "

"No,none gonna kill my Ari best friend "

"Yeah thank you ,Aurora
I know I am the best !"

"Talking about this,Aurora "


"Don't you talk to any other girl that way !
I really can't stand the idea of having you talking to any woman...
Ummm...who is prettier me or her?
I love you alottttttttttttt ,Mua mua mua"

WHY DO YOU PEEK ON ME?"Aurora shouted as I fell laughing to the ground

"Wasn't she best girl from a moment ago?"Len asked crossing her arms

"Come on Guys!
You know none of you can hate me "I said with a wink "Now to come to important questions whose turn is it to make us Breakfast ?"I said standing up

"Didn't They just told us ,we will all go on a date ?"

"Huh?is 16 January already ?"

"Yeah,Don't tell me you forgot?"

"Nah,How can I forget!"I replied nervously "but,wait !Didn't they on 2019?it's next year guys !
You just extra excited "I said as Len showed me the calender

"Um"I smiled nervously as I took them both by hands into my room

"What to wear?"I asked with a cute smile

"You shall wear that pink dress"Aurora suggested

"I am not hasty as you guys and forget my dates,I know what to wear "I replied confidently

"Len Go show me your dress as I finish Aurora's hair
I heard she bought new dress as well get it she put it under her bed it's one that charming bought her "

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