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"Lennnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn !"I screamed through whole house that birds went flying out of tree

WHERE.IS.MY.CHOCOLATE..PEANUT.COOKIES.ICECREAM.?!"I went to get Len who was probably hidden after the bed where Nicholas was

"Calm down Ari"Nicholas spoke as I shot him glare

"Ummm I will be outside in kitchen garden bathroom "He said as he tried sneaking but Len hold his leg

"Yah!You shouldn't leave your wife on bad times"but,too late he already left

"WHERE IS MY ICECREAM !"I shouted her showing empty box

"Ohhhh hmmm you won't mind your friend having some chocolate and friends,right?friends?"


"Hmmmm what about cleaning dishes for a month ?!"She said with a weirdo smile


Don't be over
Don't make a fuss over some ice cream
You sure not serious"

"Look here another war begun as I told you "

"What is fight on this time?"

"I guess some ice cream?"


"No worry they fight and we enjoy ourselves !"

"You think they gotta hold each other hair like last time?"

"We Don't know just watch silently "
Some cockroaches were mumbling as they were bringing pop corn to watch

"I love girls,sumo slamers fights"

"Just if they were in tank tops !"ome of them mumbled hitting his stomach to be greeted by ice cream boxes we threw straight in their faces

"Let's go work now...it's time to work in the toilet "

"Yeah yeah we left Mr.hans waiting alot !"

The sneaky cockroaches mumbled before leaving

"Well I guess you sort of serious this time "len said with a weirdo smile

"I will pay u back "I mumbled as I went throw door

"Thank God last time she practised her karate on me !"Len said relived
I had been in my room most of the day
Preparing for the big hit so none ever dare to eat my things!

"Ariel open the door,please Don't get sad it's just some ice cream!"

"It's alright,I am fine now "I said opening her door

"Happy to know! Got you some soup !"

Soup?huh?stealing people ice cream and giving them soup instead?
Soup which doesn't have any calories nor colors nor anything unhealthy !

Fine !Len Fine!
"Nicholassssssssss my bfff I remembered that I didn't get you any birthday gift last year !"

"Huh?Ariel?you got me a leather jacket ?"

"Oh! Hmmmm for your next year then!"

"Ummm and what is it ?"He asked as I clapped curtains to open and all eyes went on especially Nicholas who was delighted by the view

"YAH!MY PANTIES AND BRAS!"Len shouted "Don't look Don't look "she shouted covering Nicholas eyes who was totally gazed with the view

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHH"she screamed as she went running outside room to the garden to collect her under wears

As for Nicholas he was totally fascinated by the tree and went nearer only to be hit in room's glass

"Len's under wears Christmas tree!"

So you know never to mess with Ariel

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