'A Night outside '

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At charming and Aurora's house
"It has been alot since I saw the guys"charmy pouted sadly on table while Aurora was pouring him juice

"Its okay,charmy !
Aurora doesn't wanna  see her charmy sad
What about we call them to come over tonight?
I am going to cook you all Sth super delecious
And Len and Ariel  gotta help me !
Bff are to help !
We will put light here and gotta clean the garden
Gotta make many delecious food and gotta bring many movies that you guys gotta like !"Aurora said ending everything with a gentle kiss for charmy on his cheeks

"I love you"

"I love you too But,save those I love you for later
Eat now !
You can't miss breakfast
Completely not allowed "Aurora said shooking her head

At Len's and Nicholas' house

"Wow Nicky from where you got that t-shirt ?"
That one Carter got it for me when we were at hawaii "

"Oh! Hawaii was beautiful with the guys,wasn't it?"


"ME and charmy will bully Carter all the time"he said laughing "though he loved us alot,he bought me that shirt and I made him buy me 10 other pieces,on my birthday they all got me a huge cake and guess what ?!"


"It had a lot of strawberries,I love strawberries !
And when my little cousin came they had alot of pics together,strawberries are super beautiful,you know?you can know if they ready to eat or not from its leaves "

"YOU love fruits"len said hitting his nose

"And you love me "Nicholas said kissing Len
At my house
"WAKE UP NOW,ENOUGH SLEEPING"I said hitting Dan with pillow
"Awwwww,it's 3 A.m. what do you want ? "
"Charmy said he loves you"
"You woke me up and hit me to tell me that?"
"Can't I talk with you little ?"
"Of course you can !"
"Watch this photos of your album with your bands !"
"I wanna sleep"
"Watch it then sleep"
"K,go sleep"
"Dream of your friendssssssss
Go out with your friendssssssss
At Aurora's garden
"You did what I told you?"
"Successfully "
"I collected him all clothes his friends bought them And threw them on his bed
He kept staring at them for a good hour "
"You think we will succeed ?"
"We want to ask you guys sth"
"Just split it out "Len shouted
"Can't we maybe travel somewhere ?"
"Of course we can.let till we prepare the bags "
"Well we meant maybe we can travel...errr"
"Guys only?"
"We promise you to stay away from all girls "
"Yeah at least 3 Meters far "
"And we will wear long sleeves shirt,will never take it even on the sea"
"Stop buying clothes for coming 6 months"
"Cook you every time for coming three months "
"Won't lie on you ever again "
"Gotta give you 3,000€"
"Gonna clean your legs for coming 30 year"
"Gonna wash clothes and take care of you"
"We can go on a vacation later "

"If you guys really wanna go.we are fine with it.we Won't break your happiness "

"As long as you keep your promises"

"Yeah,I will miss you though "Aurora said hugging charmy

Who immediately hugged her back

"I already took a picture for myself on your phone
If you ever missed me
Let's phone
I Will kiss you as much as I can then !"

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