'That cousin'

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"So,you saying your cousin gonna stay for few weeks with us ?"Lennox asked

"I suppose...I am sorry she may annoy you and Nicholas "

"It's not about this,Ariel
She used to bully u when u were young "

"I will just hope no more drama happens "

"You gotta tell the rest of house about how bad she used to treat you?"

"Hmmmm let's give her a chance maybe she had changed and became nice "

She hurted you alot when you guys where children and when you suffered yourself working and became successful she suddenly loves you and became ur loving cousin...I don't believe she became nice "Len stated

Well...Len I hope to tell you how much I feel the same but...

"Everybody deserves a chance,don't they? "

"If she acted stupid I will break her neck...I am telling u!"

"Yeah"I said laughing "shall we get Levi ready to school by now ?"

"Lets gooooooo"
"A new girl? Is she pretty ?"levious asked

"She isn't and she is just staying here for a week...till we get rid of her "Len said angrily

"I personally don't mind her being here !" Nicholas said raising his hand

"Ofc he won't mind girls be around house!"Len said throwing him angry grin

"Yah!I meant it in friendly way. I am faithful for you,aren't I ?"Nicholas argued

"Tsssh " Len said annoyiedly as she sipped her juice

"Ariel,I just has one question "Dan spoke

"..."I looked at him as I took a bite of my chocolate

"When your cousin come ... where will she sleep ?!"Dan asked in sort of worried tone

"Huh?Don't we have many empty rooms ?she can sleep in any of it
There is the guard's room suitable for her as well!"Len said answering him and pointing with her fork

"Hmmmm after talking about the new girl...I don't think I will like her But,I try for you ,Aunt!"Levi said as he threw me his up thumb and drank a little of his milk getting him a damn cute mustarchade
"Awwwwwww my little Levi
You Damn cute !
He grown up guy now !
Can even clean his mouth by himself !"I said stating how cute my little levious is
Ofc like his Ari!

"Don't think low of me Ariel!
I am grown up man "He said cleaning his mouth again to show me how good he is

"My big child !"Nicholas said rubbing his child hair

"Dan,why are you sad ? Are you afraid about the new girl ?Don't worry she will like you!"Levi said patting Dan's shoulder

"YAH ! Levi don't put me in problems !he means in friendly way " He said smiling and patting his head and I just rolled my eyes
Levious is damn intelligent guy inspite of his young age
Knows people true attentions

That why he has been disappointed!
EVIL ME !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I opened my mobile and searched in Google bar 'How not to kill your husband ?'
Good topic to read about
Don't you agree ?
You don't ?
I do

She will sleep in guest's room ,right?" A cheater said as I grinned my teeth at him

"Why? You want her to sleep in your room?"I asked slicing my steak with my knife... a sharp knife

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