Play The Game|F.M.

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It was Christmas time, and you and a few of your friends sat around the living room in front of the crackling fire, all the while a Christmas tree stood next to the fireplace, it's colorful lights lit up the room brightly. Among the fireplace, it was adorned with stockings and Christmas garland, bringing in a true look of Christmas.

It was Christmas time, and you and your friends--by friends, I mean the group, Queen--had a yearly Christmas game of Secret Santa, and you had gotten Brian this year.

"Alright, come on everyone, let's play," Excitedly giggled Roger, as he sat on the floor next to the Christmas tree, like a kid on Christmas morning.

"Oh don't get too excited, Roger. We don't want you pissing your pants," teased John as he sipped on his eggnog.

You couldn't help but snicker as Roger shot John an evil glare.

"Do we have to?" Freddie groaned, plopping down next to you.

"Yeah, come on Fred. Usually you're very eager to play, " chuckled Brian, pulling out the presents from underneath the Christmas tree and placed them on the couch behind him so it would be easier for him to access.

Freddie scratched his arm nervously. "I um... I think I'll sit this one out."

John rolled his eyes, sitting down next to Roger, forming a circle as Brian sat down as well. "Oh come on Fred. You bought a present, you can't back out now. Besides, if they don't like it, then you can keep it, alright?"

Freddie sighed and ran his fingers through his hair nervously.

You rose an eyebrow at him wondering why in the world he was so nervous. Most of the time he would be very proud of himself, waiting excitedly for someone to open their present or pointing to a present asking whoever the receiver was to open it.

Freddie seemed to ignore John's questioned and grabbed a thin glass of champagne off of the nearby coffee table and took a sip. "Hey John, where is Veronica?" He asked, looking around the room.

John's face beamed at the mention of his wife, which you found incredibly adorable. "Oh! She's on her way. She had to stop by her mom's house to wish her a Merry Christmas."

Freddie smiled, placing the glass back on to the table. "That's so sweet." He paused then cleared his throat. "Hey! Maybe we should wait for her."

Roger groaned rather loudly. "Oh good grief, stop stalling Freddie. Why don't you want to-"

Suddenly you hear the door open, and a set of keys jingling. "I'm here!"

You sigh, a smile forming upon your face. You and Veronica had been good friends ever since Freddie found you and dragged you into his life. It was in 1974 when he found out about you and your company, where you style clothes for a cheap price, and luckily he thought you were very talented, so he asked you to be his stylist, so of course you said yes. He later introduced you to the band, where you met Brian, Roger, John, and Veronica happened to be there, and you two instantly clicked.

Then you became the stylist for Queen, and then eventually, Freddie asked you out on a date, and now you're in a relationship. You could say your life had been going well.

"Veronica!" You got up from your position on the floor and ran over to your friend with open arms.

Veronica turned around from shutting the door and smiled at you embracing your hug. "Hey (Y/N)! It's nice seeing you!"

"Come you two! Or else we're opening gifts without you!" Roger threatened, shouting from the living room.

Veronica looked at you and scoffed while rolling her eyes, which made you giggle. You both quickly shuffled to the living room, and you plopped yourself back down next to Freddie, and she sat next to John.

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