Gimme the Prize|B.M.

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"Thanks for doing this (Y/N), I really appreciate it."

You nod your head, twirling the cord attached to the telephone. "Yeah, of course, Brian. You know I'll always be your wing woman," you joke, which earned a chuckle from him. You smiled at his laugh and looked down, still a little hurt about what he was asking you to do.

You and Brian had been best friends for years. Since high-school. Ever since then, you'd always wanted a little something more, but every time you tried to take your shot at something with him, he always would end up telling how 'in love' he is with a girl and ask her out instead, so from then on out, you had been his wing woman, and his friend.

"Alright, so I'll pick you up at eight? Make sure to wear something to go clubbing in, 'cause that's where we're going to be headed tonight."

You nodded, even though he couldn't see you. "Right. Got it. See you then." You took the phone and placed it down in the receiver and sighed.

You looked around your room, wondering what in the world you could wear that would make another girl jealous. You went to your closet and opened it up, examining your outfit choices. You took off a few dresses, showing them in front of the mirror doing it over and over again until you decided on a slim black dress.

"Can't believe I'm doing this," you mumbled. Yet, you did believe you were. You knew you were doing this for the good of his relationship, but why? You didn't have to. You could've told Brian to go ask her out himself, but no, why were you helping him? To continue having his trust? To do what?

You shrugged and slipped on your black dress, then went to the bathroom to do your hair and put on some makeup. You grabbed your purse and stuffed your wallet and a pair of black flats into it for changing into later, car keys, and lipstick. You were ready to go.

Ding dong.

You sighed, putting on a smile and grabbed your purse to walk to the door. At the door, you slipped on your heels and swung the door open, revealing Brian looking down at his shoes before he looked up at you.

He wore one of his signature looks which you always thought looked rather dashing on him: A black blazer with an open white collared shirt, a few gold necklaces, a nice watch, nice black bell-bottomed pants, and of course, a pair of white clogs.

Brian's eyes widened as he saw you standing in the door frame, all in awe. You chuckled at him and playfully punched him. "Well don't stand there gawking, let's go get that girl of your dreams."

He cleared his throat and chuckled back, but you could tell it was only to hide his awkwardness. You were good at detecting those kinds of things about him. "Uh, yeah. Right. Hey, maybe you'll find the man of your dreams."

You stepped down to stand next to him, shutting the door behind you and locked it. You smiled, playing it off, but you knew you already found him. He just didn't know it yet, even though you've been playing at it for years. "Yeah, maybe."


You arrived at the club, linking arms with Brian.

"Alright, she said she should be at the bar-Oh yeah, that's her!" Brian said, looking at the bar, and nodded his head to her.

You followed his gaze and landed on the most perfect girl you've ever come across. She sat there, almost an innocent look upon her. She was gorgeous. She had long brown hair, long legs; a perfect smile. She was perfect for Brian. There was no way you could compete. You looked back at Brian to see what his face looked like, and he looked like he was in love.

At that second, you just wanted to pull away from everyone and be sucked into the blinding lights and the loud blaring music of the club, and into the sweaty pit of people. You wanted to push all of your troubles away, mainly the heartache.

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