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I do use swears in this book, beware! I will probably post images at the beginning of each chapter.

"Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit!" Mitch chanted under his breath as he ran to his car, almost running late and knowing that the traffic was going to be bad no doubt he would be very late.

He stuffed himself inside of the vehicle, pushing his thermos full of coffee into the cup holder, and started his car, thankful that the old thing started this morning unlike some of the other mornings. He drove out of his drive way and practically sped down the road, merging onto the highway and packing himself into the major blob of traffic, then picked up his phone and dialled the number of the record label company, preparing how he was going to tell them he was going to be late in his mind as the phone rang.

"Hello, You've called  CFMA Records, Nicole speaking." The lady on the other line of the phone said.

"Hey, um, this is Mitch, Mitch Grassi and I booked a meeting there and I'm calling to tell you I will be a bit late because the traffic is really bad between highway 5 and 5A."

"Okay, thank you for calling, I will let them know."

"Okay, thanks, bye."


Mitch hung up the phone and continued down the road at a whopping speed of five miles per hour. He sighed and took a drink of his coffee, then plugged his phone into the aux cord and played his playlist loudly through the speakers in the car. He heard a horn beep next to him so he turned his head and looked out the window to see his best friend Esther shaking her fist in a joking way as if she was mad about his music. He tried his best not to smile as he flipped her off, also in a joking way, Esther faking offence then rolling down her window. Mitch did the same and also turned down his music.

"Waddup, sis!" He called through the window.

"Not much, just called to tell my boss I'm gonna be late because of traffic. Don't you have that meeting with that record label today?" She asked him.

"Yea, just called them as well."

"Fun." She replied.

Just then, a spot opened up in front of Esther which was also the lane Mitch needed to be in so he flipped on his signal light and drove into the spot before Esther could move up. The traffic cleared up in front of him so that he could go a steady pace and he looked in his rear view mirror and saw Esther now giving him the middle finger. He laughed and continued driving the now medium pace the traffic was going at until he came to his exit, which then turned down the branched off road and was now able to go the full speed limit as this road was nearly empty.

Mitch drove for a little longer until he came upon the record label's building, all of his nerves now settling in. He parked out front and took an anxiety pill to calm his nerves, then unbuckled, grabbed one last sip of coffee, and walked in through the front doors, confidence showing all over the outside while deep down he was freaking out.

"Hello, how may I help you?" The lady at the front desk asked.

"Hi, I'm Mitch and I booked an appointment with Carol for nine-thirty." He said confidently.

"Of course, just let me let her know that you are here." She said before she picked up the phone and dialled a number. "Mitch for nine-thirty is here."

Mitch heard some mumbling on the other end and the lady hung up, then she turned to Mitch with a smile on her face.

"You can go right up. Third floor, sixth door on your right." She told him.

"Okay, thank you!" He said, then began walking to the elevator.

As he walked there the door opened up and a girl, maybe about five foot three or five foot four, speed walked past him and walked into the elevator, then pressed the button to the floor she needed but held the door open for Mitch so he could get on.

"Thanks." He said, pressing the third floor button.

She seemed taken aback by his higher pitched voice but quickly snapped herself out of it. "No problem." They stood there in silence, the silence not necessarily awkward but not comfortable either. "I'm Kirstie." She said, holding out her hand for Mitch to shake.

"Mitch. Why are you here?" He asked, his voice sounding genuinely interested.

"Technically I work here but my friend and I are quitting to start our own company so I'm heading up to the boss' office to quit. What about you?"

"Congrats, I'm here because I'm hoping this label will sign me. I've tried so many but I'm hoping this is the one." Mitch told her.

The rest of the ride was silent so Mitch took the chance to look more closely at her through her reflection in the mirror on the door of the elevator. Her eyes were a gentle brown colour, maybe a little darker than Mitch's, and her hair was blonde though it looked dyed and her roots were a back colour. Her skin was a lighter shade of olive and looked smooth and soft, and her makeup was on point. Mitch could have thought of so many more details but her stop came, the second floor, and she had to get off.

"See you round, maybe?" Kirstie said before the door closed.

"Yea, sure." He replied smiling.

"Let me know if you get the label, I'm crossing my fingers!" Kirstie called before the door closed.

He sighed to himself and quietly listened to the annoying elevator music until his stop came, which wasn't long after. He walked out the open doors and headed down the hall going to the sixth room on his right. The door was slightly open and there where no voices coming from inside the room but Mitch still knocked, not wanting to be rude.

"Come in." A feminine voice said from inside.

Mitch walked in slowly, nerves rising even more, and saw a lady with greying hair and glasses sitting behind her desk.

"Mitch, correct?"

"That's me." He replied.

"Please, sit." She gestured to the seat in front of her. "I'm Carol," And so the meeting commenced.

Carol asked a decent amount of questions, all about different things ranging from his age to what he wants his career to be to his favourite food and a few other questions that he didn't really feel as though they were necessary to the interview. After about an hour, she stood up with an unreadable look on her face.

"Mr. Grassi, I'm sorry to say this but I do not feel as though you are fit for our label. You seem good but not good enough. It was nice meeting you." She said, though her expression and voice held no pity.

"Okay, thank you for interviewing me anyways." He said, trying to stay civil. He didn't need to fight with anyone, especially not someone in high authority who could spread word to other labels and make it impossible for him to get signed at all.

She nodded at him and walked over to the door, opening it. Mitch took that as his sign to leave so he did and walked back to the elevator, pressing the down button. Mitch sighed again as the doors opened and he stepped on. He was about to press the lobby button when he remembered Kirstie.

"She's probably done. It shouldn't take that long to quit." He mumbled to himself as the doors closed, yet he still pressed the second floor button.

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