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Mitch was now on his way to the Star Bucks where he was to meet Scott for whatever reason he wanted, tapping his fingers on the steering wheel out of a nervous habit. He pulled into the parking lot and turned off his car, grabbing his phone and keys on the way out. He ran over all the possible reasons that Scott may want to see him but the one that seemed most logical to him was just to hang out which, to be honest, made Mitch a little upset. He entered the Star Bucks and scanned over all of the seats until his eyes landed on the tall blonde man who was sitting in the corner texting on his phone.

Mitch walked over to him and tapped on his shoulder, startling him a little, but a smile soon broke out over his face. He said a quick hey and finished his texting before turning off his phone and looking at the brunette that was now sat in front of him.

"What's all this about? Why'd you want to see me?" Mitch asked.

"What, I need an excuse to hang with a new friend?" Scott joked.

"Oh, I didn't mean it like-"

"It's fine, I'm joking with you. But actually, there's business that I have to discuss." Scott told Mitch, getting serious. "You know how Kirstie and I are starting our own business?" Scott asked, to which Mitch nodded in response. " And how we were starting our own record company?" Mitch nodded again.  "We were wondering if you wanted to have a meeting with us...?" 

"Um... I don't know..."

"Don't worry, we wouldn't give you any unfair advantages. We would interview you like any normal company would. We just think that if we signed someone just as we opened up then maybe others would think that we had a really good business, and you're a really good singer, like, really good, and anyone who doesn't think you are is dumb, but when people heard how good you were at singing then they would want to come and no doubt they would probably only come to hear your voice..." Scott rambled, continuously making Mitch blush but he kept listening anyways, that is until he felt that fuzzy feeling he got in the back of his mind. That feeling he got whenever he knew for sure he liked someone. But this time was stronger than all of the other times he felt it. This time it was so powerful he actually feared why it was.

"Can I think about it?" Mitch asked, his nerves striking his mind full force.

"Of course! I wouldn't want to force you to do anything you don't want to!"

"Okay, um, see you later? I should go, um, to work." Mitch said, trying not to be rude while leaving.

"Yea, sure! See ya." Scott said, standing up as Mitch did. 

They walked out the door and went separate ways, Mitch to the right, Scott to the left. As he was walking to his car, Mitch couldn't help but think about how exciting it would be to get signed by Scott and Kirstie, but then he started thinking about a whole bunch of bad scenarios. What if he messed up? What would they think of him then? Luckily, he didn't have to think about these scenarios for much longer as he was now getting in his car and driving to work, moving his car into another bout of traffic, hoping to god that it wouldn't make him late for his lunch shift and get money taken off of his pay check.

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