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The doors opened on the second floor and he stepped out, walking down the hall which was a lot brighter due to more windows, the light lifting his mood a little even though he was used to rejection in this form. Mitch walked down the hall and looked through the glass walls that surrounded each conference room, each one empty until he got to the end of the hallway, where he heard talking. He peeked over and saw Kirstie talking to someone so he turned around and decided to wait by the elevator. He walked back down the hall looking at the ugly carpet underneath his feet as he walked, going back to the elevator and leaning against the wall beside it, taking out his phone to text Esther while he was waiting.

Mitch: Hey, u busy?

Esther: Nah, waddup?

Mitch: Not much, but i didn't get the label.

Esther: Awe, I'm sorry hun

Mitch: Don't worry bout it. its all good. maybe this just isnt the job for me

Mitch looked up when he heard the door open at the end of the hall.

Mitch: I should go i gotta drive. see ya

Esther: Bye girl

Mitch put his phone in his pocket and smiled when he saw Kirstie look at him in surprise then smiled. 

"Mitch!!" She exclaimed, speeding up her walking pace.


Kirstie jumped on Mitch, hugging him.  "I did it! We did it! We quit!"

"That's great!" Mitch said he put Kirstie back on her feet.

"Did you get the label?" She asked him.

"No, but that's okay. She seems like a stuck up bitch anyways." Mitch said, making Kirstie laugh.

"Ooh! Mitch, I want you to meet Scott, my friend who quit with me." Kirstie said, then turned around. "Scott!" She shouted, catching the attention of a tall blonde.

He walked over to the pair, Mitch staring with wide eyes at the beautiful blonde that was now approaching them.

"Scott, this is Mitch, Mitch, this is Scott!" Kirstie said, her voice holding excitement.

"Hey, nice to meet you." Scott said holding out his hand.

"Uh, um, yea, you too." Mitch said, shaking Scott's hand. Kirstie laughed. "Congrats on quitting." Mitch told him, gaining some of his sanity back.

"Thanks." Scott replied, smiling. 

"I should probably go. I've got a date with my T.V." Mitch joked, making them laugh, Scott holding a certain look of fondness in his eyes.

"Mitch, before you leave can I have your number?" Kirstie asked.

"Uh, yea." Mitch said, taking Kirstie's phone which was handed to him with gentle fingers.

He punched in his phone number and changed his contact name to 'Mitchie' then handed the device back to its owner.

"Thanks! I'll text you!" Kirstie said, her behaviour super bubbly.

"Okay, see ya!" Mitch replied, getting on the elevator and pressing the button to go down to the lobby, the doors closing.

"See? I told ya he's cute!" Kirstie exclaimed.

"Yea, okay. So?" Scott asked, wondering why Kirstie cared so much.

"You should marry him." She said, examining her nails.

"What?!?" Scott asked, trying to contain his laughter, but Kirstie just walked away with a smile on her face.


Mitch sighed as he entered his house, tossing his keys onto the couch and closing his door with his foot. He flopped over and fell on his couch, kicking his shoes off in the process, and closed his eyes, tired, even though he hardly did anything. He was almost asleep when he felt his phone ring tone go off next to him, so he sat up with a grunt and grabbed his phone, unlocked it, and checked who texted him.

Unknown: Hey, It's Kirstie!

Mitchie: Hey!

Mitch quickly changed Kirstie's name to 'Krusty' before she texted back if she would.

Krusty: Do u have plans 4 2nite?

Mitchie: no but why use all of the numbers and not just type it out?

Krusty: cuz im lazy af. anyways, i was wondering if u wanted to go out with me and my friends later?

Mitchie: sure! what time?

Krusty: 6:00 sharp at lee harvey's

Mitch: r u tryin to get me drunk?

Krusty: no...

Mitchie: lies -_-

Krusty: not drunk just loosened up

Mitchie:  yea sure. i should go get ready then

Krusty: but it's only 12:43...?

Mitchie: girl, this much beauty takes longer than u think!

Krusty: uh huh, yea ok

Mitchie: i also kinda gotta clean up my house a bit. its kinda messy

Krusty: have fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Mitchie: oh i will dont worry

Krusty:  i can sense the sarcasm

Mitchie: im made of sarcasm

Mitch turned off his phone and trudged to the kitchen to grab his cleaning supplies, then walked to the bathroom deciding that was going to be where he would start.

"I hate responsibility." Mitch grumbled as he began cleaning the counter.


The brunette eventually finished cleaning and decided to have a quick shower, using his favourite soaps, then dried off and picked his outfit consisting of black ripped skinny jeans and a light blue, navy and white plaid button up, topped off with black high heels. He checked his outfit in the mirror and nodded at himself in approval, then proceeded back to his bathroom to do some light makeup and touch up on his black matte nail polish. He put on a base layer of foundation, then concealer, deciding to skip blush, then proceeded to add naked eyeshadow and finished the makeup with matte rose gold lip gloss. Once again happy with his look Mitch walked back to his room and fixed his nails by filling in all of the chipped spaces, drying them off faster using his hair dryer.

Mitch checked the time on his phone and saw that it was five fifteen and decided that since the bar was a decent distance from his home he would get going now. He punched in the address of the bar in google maps just to be safe and got in his car, beginning his journey to what would be the best night he's had in a while.

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