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~The next day~

Ever since yesterday, you couldn't read minds. "Do you think the cold did this?" You asked, trying to open your mind but getting a headache now and then. You were alone, you thought you were with Saiki? He left to get some rest. You got up, doing your daily routine. While you were brushing your teeth, you heard a knock at the door. Opening it to see Saiki. "Ready?" He said, back to his cold self. "Give me a minute." You responded, letting him in and going back to the bathroom. Finishing what you had to do, you and Saiki were on your way. "Right, the class trip is today." You reminded him, checking your bag to see if you have everything. "It's going to be a pain" Saiki said, sighing deeply. You agreed with him, spending a three day trip with your class is a real pain. 

You arrived at school, everyone watching you like a hawk. Saiki noticed you being pressured, he lightly tapped your shoulder. "Want to go up on the roof?" He asked, you shrugged. Saiki took that as a yes and he leads the way, it was strange not hearing peoples minds. The roof was peaceful, you looked over the rails. "Are you okay?" Saiki asked, "I, stressed but...all will be fine!" You tried to sound fine, but you really weren't. You didn't want anyone to worry for you. 

~The trip~ 

You sat alone during the bus ride, not wanting to cause attention to yourself. But, Saiki refusing. Ended up sitting behind you. "Hey, (Y/N)! Can I sit with you?" You looked up to see Kaidou. Confused on why someone's would want to sit with you, "Why? Don't you hate me like everyone else?" You asked, making a spot for him. "I don't hate you, I just couldn't find the courage to talk to you." He said, blushing a little. You smiled, hearing what he said really made you happy. "Thank you for saying that!" You said. For the rest of the ride, you and Kaidou talked about interests and of course he mentioned the "Dark reunion" and "Jet Black Wings" although, during the ride, you could feel something bothering  you. Could it be Saiki? 

Once the bus stopped at the airport. You and the class got your seat arrangements. You and your luck, got to sit next to Saiki and Kaidou. Once everyone got aboard and the plane was ready to take off, you were worrying a lot. Due to the shaking of the plane and due to the he fact that it might crash, but, you then remember Saiki. He's a psychic, so he wouldn't let anything happen. You looked over to Kaidou and he looked really pale, "Kaidou, are you feeling alright?" You said, trying to comfort him. He looked at you with a weak smile, "I forgot my medicine at home, I'll be fine though..." trying to show his bravery. Saiki left to the bathroom, probably going to teleport. After a few minutes Kaidou found his medicine in his pockets, Saiki relaxing, you pat him on the shoulder. "Good job" You said, you didn't notice but you were shaking. "What's wrong?" Saiki asked, pointing it your shaking hand. "Just nervous..." you said, reassuring him. "Nothing will happen as long as I'm here." He said, trying to make you relax. 

You noticed something odd while you looked out of the window, the plane was descending. This was your worst fear of all. Saiki noticing your worried expression, looked out of the window as well. "It's going to be okay." Saiki said, using clairvoyance to see what's happening ahead. "I'll be back, everything will be fine. Trust me." He said this and left, you holding on tightly to the chair arms. A few moments later and the plane was back in the air, you could tell it was Saiki. You felt bad for him, carrying the plane across the ocean.  

Once the plane landed, Saiki was exhausted. Saiki used you as help for balance, "You okay, Saiki?" Nendo asked, "He'll be fine." You said. 


Once everything was settled, you decided to go on the beach for some fresh air. "Hey, Saiki." You said, walking up to one of the beach chairs. He was asleep, you smiled lightly at him. Leaving him in peace, you went to explore the woods. It was a lovely walk, nice and quiet. But soon it was getting dark and you needed to find your way back, not having any luck finding the hotel, you were lost. 

You sat against a tree, trying to calm yourself. Hearing a branch crack, you looked around your surroundings. A bear, was about to attack you. You closed your eyes, ready to embrace the pain, but it didn't come. You opened to see Saiki standing in front of you, and the bear got sent flying. "Are you okay?" He asked, sitting beside you. "Y-Yeah, I'm fine." You said, trying to stop your shaking hands. Saiki put his hand on yours, holding it in his. You looked up at him, his control device is gone. "Where's your control device?" You asked, "I think someone visited me while I was asleep." He said, making it obvious. "Teruhashi?" You said, getting up. Your legs were weak, although you could walk. Saiki teleported you back to the hotel, not letting go of your hand because the slightest movement could send you flying. Finding the control device on the beach, Saiki put it back and he let go of your hand. The warmth, it was nice. But you had a feeling you would be able to feel it again. 

Yes, you would once feel the warmth again. 








A/N: I need to know wether these are too short or too long 😅 anyways I hope you enjoyed this little soft moment. 

Ily all 💞 and thanks so much for reading! 

Words: 986

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