Sunshine Crazy !

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~Skip to Saturday~

You were invited to go to the beach, Saiki, Nendo, Kaidou, Teruhashi, Mera, and Chiyo were going. You heard a knock, running with socks on and slipping on the floor with a thud, "Coming!" You said, standing up and opening the door. "Ready to leave?" You opened the door to find Nendo, Kaidou and Saiki. "Oh, you guys came early." You said, running back down the hall to grab your stuff. "Did you fall? We heard a thud." Kaidou asked, "Totally did not!" You said,  was the thud THAT loud?! Saiki gave a little smile but that quickly changed once we heard familiar voices, "Hey guys!" Teruhashi said, 'Can't believe a beach day with Saiki!' You heard Teruhashi's thought, you froze. Did you just hear her thoughts? "(Y/N), hurry up or we're leaving without you." Nendo said, you realized everyone was walking ahead, you quickly locked the door Andy caught up to them. "You could've told me!" You whined playfully, "You seemed to Be enjoying your thoughts" Nendo said, you sighed. "You can read minds now, right?" Saiki asked, you nodded. 

You arrived at the beach and you went to get changed with the girls, Teruhashi changed pretty quickly. You could heard cheers and yells from outside. "Chiyo..?" You noticed her sitting against the lockers, covered in a towel. "I can't go out there after Teruhashi!"Chiyo said, crying a little. "But your beautiful! How about we go out there together?" You held out a hand, Chiyo hesitated but soon took it. Once you stepped outside, everyone stared at you and cheered as well. Your bathing suit was a black bikini. You and Chiyo walked towards the guys, "Hey." They greeted you, you noticed Kaidou blushing a lot. You smiled at him, making him look away in embarrassment. You heard a "Tch" from Saiki, he walked away. Wow cold hearted much. 

You were sitting on a beach towel you laid out, the sun felt nice. "Did you put on sunscreen?" Saiki asked, looking at you with a small blush, "I don't need it." You said, smiling at him. "You'll get burned." He simply put it. You sighed, "I don't burn easily." You responded, laying down. "Looks like your already burning though..." he said, pointing at your legs, it was true, it had a bit of red on it. "...Fine" You said, you covered yourself with sunscreen. "Why do you look so pale?" Saiki asked, sweat dropping from his forehead. "I can't blend sunscreen properly..." You said, bluntly. Saiki sighed, "Come dit over here." He said, you looked at him, blushing a little. "Why?" You asked, walking over to his long chair. "I'll blend it in for you," Saiki said, but you could barely pick it out. Saiki blended the sunscreen on your back, blushing a lot while doing it. You turned around, facing him. "T-Thanks.." you said, a bit flustered, you felt his hands touch your face. "W-W-What are you doing?!" You asked, pulling away. "I'm blending the sunscreen in your face, otherwise you'll look dead." He said, moving closer. You stayed silent while Saiki smoothed our the sunscreen. "Thanks...." you said, your face is burning red. "I'm going to go in the water now!" You playfully left Saiki and ran to the water, soaking into the cool ocean water. "Hey, chick." A guy said, you looked at a guy walking towards you. "What do you want, mister?" You said, trying to sound sassy. "Would you like to go get something to eat and then how about you and me hit it up." He said, leaning on you shoulder. You made the "Tch" sound, "You should pay attention to who you're talking to." You said, pushing the guys arm away. "Huh?" He said, he seemed to be getting mad. "I'm way out of your league!" You said, grinning. Flipping your hair, the guy looks pissed. "Come with me, lady." He said, grabbing your wrist. Although, you were pulled back, by Saiki. "Sorry but she's mine." Saiki said, you looked up at him, he looked back, Both of you looked at each other for a while. Suddenly you took the time to realize what he said, getting flustered. 

Saiki held onto your waist, pulling you closer to him. "I'm sorry, but she's mine." He said, "huh?!" The unwanted guy said. Saiki turned around with you and walked away, you both walked to the ice cream cafe. You and Saiki sat in a booth, the waitress came up. "Hi, what could I get you guys?" She said, "I'll be having the Strawberry Shaved ice, please?" You said, the waitress nodded jotting down the order, "And for you..?" She asked Saiki. "Coffee Jelly" He said bluntly, "it'll be out in a few." She said, walking away. It was silent, "So...nice weather we're having..." You tried breaking the silence but all you got from Saiki was a nod. "Be careful." He finally said, "I could've gotten rid of him easily-" You were talking but cut off. "Hey, (Y/N)! Saiki!" Kaidou was running up to you both with a bowl of ice cream. He sat down beside you, "Kaidou! How's it been?" You asked, smiling brightly. Kaidou blushed, completely forgetting you were in a bathing suit. To be honest, you did too. "It's been great!" He said, cheerfully. Saiki looked at him intensely, obviously not wanting him to be here. "Want to hang around me later on?" He asked you, blushing a lot. The waitress came out with the orders. "Saiki would you like to tag along too?" Kaidou asked him, "I'd love to." You said, showing him a lot of interest. This honestly sounds like a Kaidou x Reader fan fiction. "Cool! I'll be by my towel." He said, leaving Saiki and you in peace. "Stop showing Kaidou that your interested in everything he does." Saiki said, eating his coffee jelly. "Why..?" You asked, looking a little confused. " don't need to know." Saiki said, finishing his jelly and leaving. "Hey! Don't leave without me!" You said, carrying your bowl of shaved ice along with you. You and Saiki found Kaidou, you sat along side him. 

Saiki sat alongside you, just looking out at the sea. You leaned against him, completely exhausted. After your day with Kaidou, you and Saiki went back to your spot and relaxed. You gave a long yawn, soon falling asleep while leaning against Saiki. 

~Saiki POV~  

I looked down at (Y/N), smiling at her. She looked cute while she slept, wait...what did I just say? Forget about what I said, I picked her up, carrying her back to her house. Laying her on her bed, "Can't believe I'm going to do this..." I sighed at what I was thinking of, I leaned down and pecked her forehead with a kiss. "Only notice me, (Y/N)." I said, who knew i'd be such a yandere? I teleported myself back to my house and went up to my room. Finding an unwanted guest in my room.

"Hello, Saiki." (Y/N)'s brother was sitting on my bed, why would he be here? "Just here to say this, don't trust (Y/N)." He said, standing up and looking dead serious. "She can hurt the ones you love the most..." He said, teleporting away. What was that about? Not trusting her? 

~Your POV~

You woke up in your bed, suddenly remembering what happened last night. You got flustered really easily, why would he do that while I was awake?! Does he like you that much? 

You got your breakfast ready and had your favourite hot drink. "Hey (Y/N)." Saiki appeared behind you, making you almost spill your drink. "Didn't I say NOT to go behind a girl?" You said, taking a sip from your drink.  "Sorry, anyways my mother kicked me out of the house for an hour." He sat on the couch, you sitting beside him. "What are we going to do?" You asked, "We can...go to the festival" he said, mumbling. "Your mumbling a lot lately, but, that sounds fun!" You excitedly jumped up. "When are we leaving?" You asked, smiling as brightly as Teruhashi. You only went to the festival once and that was with your Dad, Mother, and Hikari. "Now." Saiki took ahold of your hand and teleported you both at the festival. Your eyes lit up, the lights were very beautiful. "W-wait! I don't have any money, we left so suddenly!" You looked around your pockets for some change, "Don't worry, I'll pay." Saiki said, taking ahold of your hand again. 

You and Saiki walked through the crowds, still holding hands firmly. By this time, you were hungry. "Saiki, I hate to say this since you are buying. But, I'm hungry, so can we get some food?" You explained, holding onto your necklace. Saiki totally forgot about that. "Are you stressed?" He asked, watching you play with your necklace. You nodded, walking over to a bench and sitting down. Saiki bought two candy apples, you taking a bit and smiling widely. "I have a place where we can go." You said, eating with your mouth full again. "Where?" Saiki asked, finishing his apple. "Follow me," You said, standing up and eating your candy apple on the way. It was gettin dark, you and Saiki walked up to an open space. It showed the lights of Japan and the festival. "It's beautiful, right?" You said, it wasn't aiming to be a question. Saiki nodded, looking at you with a small smile. 

The fireworks shot up in the sky, you couldn't help But cry a little while watching it. Remembering the good times with your family, Saiki noticed, "Oh, it's fine." You said, whipping away your tears. Saiki faces you, slowly embracing you into a hug. "I'm here for you, remember that." Saiki whispered into your ear, this made you cry even more. You hugged back while you cried onto his shirt. Soon you and Saiki teleported back to you're house, your nose is puffy from crying too much. 

"Welcome back, (Y/N)." A familiar voice said, a very familiar voice. You ran to the kitchen/dinning room, to find an unwanted guest. 

You're brother was sitting at the table, grinning widely.






 A/N: okay! I wanted to make another one and this one is literally so bad, I gave up half my way through. I honestly love sliding on the floors with socks on lol. Anyways, I hope you like doing it even though this is terrible. And I got bored so this is why it was an early update. Plus no school today :^)

Ily all omfg Tysm for the support 💞💖💕❤️💓💕💘

P.s. please don't mind my spelling errors. Lol, I've noticed them once I uploaded and I didn't want to fix them. 

Words: 1790

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