Chapter 2:The Flames Of Hell

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As Shadowgun traveled, he wondered how much his brothers had changed. Were they weaker? Stronger? The same? He was eager to see them after being apart for many centuries. About an hour passed before he made it to the border of his section of Hell. You could tell the difference because the East, where he was headed, was mostly black and consisted of demons that were either carrying hefty bricks of stone or throwing black flames at each other. Shadowgun's section, the North, was mostly red and consisted of demons that were breaking rocks with pickaxes. As he got closer to the heart of the East, he started to get suspicious as to why he hadn't been attacked, stopped, or questioned yet. But that suspicion was soon answered as he was jerked off of his copper by a demon who caught his copper with a chain and hooked the chain to a boulder before it was pulled tight. He got up and looked around to see that he was surrounded by about eleven demons, all holding chains. Before he was able to pull out his shotguns, which was his favorite weapon to use other than his revolvers, his arm was restrained by multiple chains. Then his other arm, then his legs, then his chest. In a matter of seconds, he was chained down by every limb of his body. Then a man that was about Shadowgun's height appeared in a quick flare of black fire. He was white, but he seemed albino because of the outline of his eyes. He wore a fur jacket that was a darker color than Shadowgun's and it looked like it weighed less than his as well. He also wore a brown mask that had a white X over it. His hair was longer than Shadowgun's by about an inch. It was brown with light streaks of brown and white and mostly hung on one side of his face as if he was an emo. His eyes were partially inverted, so his pupil was white and black, outlined with a dark ring. The man, who seemed to be about 18 years old, stepped forward and put one hand up. Then the demons released Shadowgun immediately and bowed to the two.

Shadowgun stood up and rubbed his wrists as they were burned from the chains."Still as docile as ever, huh Shady?" "And you're still as cold as I remember, Ghost." Ghost moved his hair out of his face and had a small smirk on his face. He walked up to Shadowgun and stood beside him."Still the same height?" Ghost asked in a voice similar to Shadowgun's, only his sounded like multiple small voices, all of which were demonic."The same goes for you," replied Shadowgun. He went over to his chopper and picked it up, noticing that something was wrong with it."Great...the chain broke." Ghost looked at the bike, then back at the demons."All of you, head to my temple. Now." They all scrambled in the direction in which Shadowgun was headed before he was yanked off of his bike. Shadowgun picked up his bike and carried it on his back like it was nothing as they followed after the demons."What have you been up to, little brother?" Ghost looked around and smiled a bit behind his mask."Not much. Still been sparring with some of the stronger demons so I don't lose my edge. What about you?" Shadowgun's response was short and simple."Nothing." Ghost looked slightly shocked at his older brother. Then, as if to test him, he swung his chains at Shadowgun's face. Before they made contact, Shadowgun put his hand up, catching the chain while still holding his copper on his back."But I'm still as sharp as ever. Remember that." As they walked and caught up on life, they approached a temple that stood tall, made of black, translucent glass that was known to be created from temperatures higher than those commonly found in Hell. When they got to Ghost's throne, Ghost sat down as Shadowgun placed his copper down and started to repair it."I know you have a chain. Unless you decided to hang it up for decoration." Ghost snickered a bit as he pulled a black chain from his sleeve and handed it to Shadowgun. He put the chain on his bike and crunk it up."A short term fix, but it'll do," said Shadowgun with a sense of triumph. Ghost admired the motorcycle as he spoke."So what was your reason for coming here? I know you aren't just visiting since we all meet once a century to put some demons to eternal rest." "That is true, but I need you to come with me. Satan wants all four of us for something. I don't know what it is yet, but he says there's a reward for it, and I don't know if we should trust him." Ghost nodded as he put his hair back where it originally was and stepped through a black portal to appear at the door of his temple."Well, one thing's for sure, we gotta get the other two on board. And we can't do that while we're here. So where are we headed next?" Shadowgun got on his chopper and drove up to Ghost's side."We're going to the West. Only because it's the easiest of the two sections we have left to get into." Ghost stretched and started running towards the West section, but most of the time, he used portals to travel at the same speed as Shadowgun, only appearing for a second at a time as he went from portal to portal. Shadowgun kept a steady pace as they made their way to the third brother of the four of them.

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