Chapter 10:The Last Choice

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In the last chapter, you saw a picture of a red wolf-man. That was Satan. But enough about him for now. After Shadowgun and Insanity's little sparring match, the eventually caught up with the rest of the group and they all advanced to the home of Satan himself. Upon arrival, Phantom pulled Shadowgun over to the side to talk to him. Shadowgun He didn't look any different than he usually does, but his attitude seemed less hostile than normal.

Phantom asked a straightforward question, still keeping his mouth closed enough to hide what he had in it."What was that?" Shadowgun was oblivious to what he meant, so he replied with a quick"What are you talking about?" Phantom seemed to be a little irritated by Shadowgun's words as he growled lowly and his red eye flared up."You know what I'm talking about. And so do the rest of them. We all felt that little fight between you and Insanity." Shadowgun scoffed. He still had his mask on, so half of the expressions he made weren't shown like this one. He had a completely lifeless expression on his face as he slowly walked back to the rest of them, saying"It was just to see if she had gotten any weaker than she used to be." Phantom looked at him skeptically and joined the group as they all looked at each other and walked into Satan's castle.

When they walked in, Satan sat on his throne, propped up on one of his hands and tapping on the arm of the throne with the other

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When they walked in, Satan sat on his throne, propped up on one of his hands and tapping on the arm of the throne with the other. He seemed like he was impatient until he saw the Hateful 8. A small smile appeared on his face as he sat up to face the group.

"Well, it took you long enough to gather your brothers, Shadowgun. And you brought the girls along as well." Insanity let her eyes go back to normal as she said"That's Careless to you. Now what is it that you need with them?" Satan's smile faded a bit before he answered."This isn't just to the four, it's for all of you. I've noticed that your Eternal Rest counts have been going up as each century came and went. This says that you've all been growing in strength, stability, and most importantly, power. As you know, after you reach a certain point down here, you get sent back to the land of the living, otherwise known as Earth. And I feel like you all have proven yo-" "Stop beating around the bush and spit it out already." Satan looked at Lostit, surprised that he snapped off so quickly. After a few moments, Satan continued."You've all proven that you're ready to go back. And I'm willing to send you there, free of charge." Shadowgun looked at the other 7 in the group and turned to Satan."So what's the catch?" Satan stood up and changed forms, so now he was a blue wolf-man with a golden amulet around his neck. He also wore jeans that had been ripped into shorts."The oldest of the two groups decide what happens with their younger siblings, as well as what happens with themselves. So Shadowgun and Insanity, it's your call." Shadowgun looked at his brothers, then at Insanity, who was doing the same with her sisters. Then...Insanity stepped back towards her sisters."My choice is to stay down here with my sisters. As nice as a second chance would be, I'd rather Not forget who I became down here." When Insanity finished her statement, Satan nodded and looked over at Shadowgun, waiting for his response. Shadowgun looked back at his brothers, then back at Satan. With a small moment of silence, Shadowgun made his choice."My brothers will stay...but I'm going." Everyone looked at him, shocked by his words. Ghost then stepped forward."You're joking, right? There's no way you'd actually-" Shadowgun gave Ghost a completely dead look and walked beside Satan's throne, standing with his back to Satan. Montana looked at him with a thoughtful expression as though she had been thinking for awhile."What's your reason for going back? You wouldn't be trying to if there wasn't anything for you to gain." Shadowgun looked at Satan and answered clearly."None of you know this...but Satan owes me. He took the life of me and my daughter. And if that isn't enough, he sealed her away into the there's no way for me to see her again. When I go back...I'll stop people from making the same mistake I did." Phantom tensed up and spoke, but still kept his mouth closed enough to hide its contents."That means you'll forget who you became. I get that you want to stop others from suffering, but think about your brothers...your sisters...the one you love." Shadowgun looked at every individual person in the area. Fire Queen, then Ghost, then Luna, then Lostit, then Montana, then Phantom, then Insanity."Brother...if you're serious about this..."Phantom summoned his gauntlets. Everyone else summoned their weapons and got in a fighting stance."...Then you leave us no choice but to keep you here by force." Phantom disappeared then reappeared in front of Shadowgun with his hand cocked, ready to punch Shadowgun in his chest. But in the blink of an eye, Shadowgun had turned Phantom around and twisted Phantom's arm behind his back, rendering him helpless. Then, he lifted Phantom and kicked him into a wall behind everyone else at light speed. When Phantom got up, he was unscathed everywhere except his mouth, where he had been kicked. He had it covered wth his hand as he stood up. When he let his hand down, everyone was horrified. Phantom had a mouth full of what seemed to be 3-inch long sewing needles for teeth. He let out a loud growl as his red eye flared up. Shadowgun had taken his jacket off at this point, so he had nothing on above his waist other than his mask. He tensed up a bit, which made tattoos that were all over his body glow blood red. The tattooes were all of bullets(how ironic.) His hair stood up and waved back and forth slowly as if there was a light breeze. Shadowgun pulled out his shotguns as all of them rushed at him at once. He ran towards them and, mid dash, said"This will be your last fight. You better make it count."

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