Chapter 4:Smoke And Mirrors

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About an hour and a half went past as Ghost, Lostit, and Shadowgun traveled to the South wth little words spoken between them. It was understandable, given the fact that they were being reunited under unknown circumstances. They made a stop at the Krossroad, the area where all of the sections met. The stop was made to ensure that each section was put on lockdown, a protocol that is activated when one of the sections' overlookers has to leave. What happens during a lockdown is all of the section's demons go to one area and engage in one activity until their overlooker returns. Shadowgun's demons continue to break rocks, Ghost's demons continue to carry bricks and stone, and Lostit's demons use their life force to keep up the barrier that covers the West since it would usually stay up if he was there. After that was done, they looked into the South section, which was covered in purple fog. Lostit and Ghost looked over at Shadowgun for the next move, seeing as though the fog was thick enough to cut and they were all blind. Shadowgun sat there on his chopper, silent for a few minutes. He seemed like he was deep in thought, either about their current situation or something that was in the back of his head for awhile. Then, he stood up.

"Lostit, slice through that one good time." Lostit put his hand up to his shoulder as if he was reaching for a sword, then he gripped down onto the handle that appeared at the same time that he drew the sword from thin air. Then he brought the sword down one time, cutting a path in the fog that went on for what seemed like forever. He dropped the sword, and before it came in contact with the ground, it vanished in a spark of blue."Guess I still got it, huh?" Lostit's voice was that of a mature man, but it sounded like demonic static if he got excited, which he clearly was. Ghost's chains appeared on his arms as he readied himself for a fight."Don't get cocky, techno. We still gotta get to Phantom. And other than Shadowgun, his section has the highest ranked demons known down here." At that comment, Shadowgun started up his chopper and turned towards the path as it was slowly closing."Let's go." He drove into the fog and Lostit and Ghost followed him.

As the fog inevitably blocked their way again, they were continuing based on instinct alone, which was pretty risky for them since they hadn't had to use their instincts in a long time. Every now and then, Shadowgun would have to swerve to avoid hitting a spike in the ground or kick his bike into the air to jump a crater, but this was simple for Ghost and Lostit as they could just teleport out of the way. This went on for about an hour before they made it to an area that was clear of fog. Shadowgun had a bad feeling just like Ghost and Lostit, so he got off his chopper and put his hands behind his back, but they were hidden under his coat. Ghost gripped his chain, and Lostit pulled out his sword again as they continued on foot. After about five minutes, they came up on a group of demons that were punching walls of stone and brick. Shadowgun slowly walked up behind one with a revolver in one hand and the other still hidden. He put the barrel of the revolver to one of their heads and forced them to the ground as Lostit and Ghost did the same with the other demons. But this was short lived as they were quickly surrounded by hordes of demons wielding gauntlets as weapons. Shadowgun pulled out another revolver and prepared himself for a fight.

Lostit tightened his grip on his sword as he looked around and his eyes glowed more blue than usual."Their gauntlets are coated in poison, but it only affects what it touches." Ghost started spinning his chain and smiled a bit."So don't get hit? Sounds like training all over again." "Right," said Shadowgun with a little joy in his voice. But as he spoke, one of the demons appeared over his head, ready to slam him into the ground. But Ghost grabbed the demon and swung him into the other demons before he had the chance to do any harm. Then Ghost spoke wth irritation in his voice."You forgot to mention that they're faster than us!" Shadowgun started shooting them down as they came." Then don't play offense! Stay out of their range! And if it comes down to it, put your weapons away and just dodge!" Ghost and Lostit nodded and eventually got to the point where they took Shadowgun's advice:they put their weapons away and focused on not getting hit as Shadowgun kept shooting and avoided getting caught all at once.

As time passed, they started to struggle more and more with the demons as more kept appearing. Soon, they managed to get rid of them all, but they were completely drained. Shadowgun was completely out of ammo in all of his guns(he only uses guns) and Ghost and Lostit were out of energy. This was an issue when they noticed that there was still one demon left. This one was huge and moved quicker than the others, but it didn't just attack. It went for hard-hitting attacks. When Shadowgun, Lostit, and Ghost were rendered completely helpless, the demon gained a gauntlet that covered his entire arm and raised it high, ready to bring it down on the brothers, putting them to eternal rest. But when he brought the gauntlet down, a man appeared and caught it with purple smoke gauntlets. The man was the same height as the other three. He wore black joggging pants with gold zippers(stylish joggers)and a black jacket wth the sleeves rolled up and his hood on. He had bandages wrapped around his neck and wore a black gas mask. His hair was long and covered his left eye, which seemed to glow red, but his right eye was blue. About a second after he caught the demon's gauntlet, he bent its arm back and threw it away from himself and the three brothers. Then he looked back at them with an evil demeanor.

"It's been awhile, hasn't it brothers?" His voice was very deep and demonic(listen to the video from 0.38 to 0.44.)

Shadowgun spoke with relief."Phantom, you're a sight for sore eyes." Phantom had a small smile behind his mask. But it disappeared when he turned back towards the demon brute. He turned into purple smoke, went in front of the demon, placed his hand on its chest, and spoke a few words."Eternal Rest Seal!" A pentagram appeared on its chest as it was sucked into a red portal that appeared in the ground. After that, Phantom gave Ghost, Lostit, and Shadowgun energy so they could get back to where they started traveling on foot. When they arrived, Ghost and Lostit went ahead and started making their way to Satan's lair. Shadowgun stayed back with Phantom so he could talk to him. Phantom stretched a bit as Shadowgun started talking."Long story short, Satan wants all of us for something. I don't know what it is yet, but he says if we agree we'll be free from this place for good." Phantom arched one of his eyebrows."Free? From Hell? Sounds like a gamble. Do the other two know yet?" "I never told them what the reward was. I didn't see a point in it. Besides, I know they have the same feeling as us." Phantom chuckled a bit."Guess that's a perk of being brothers. Will you be recharged by the time we make it to Satan?" Shadowgun nodded."Yea. We all should be. Why?" Phantom turned into smoke again as that was his form of transportation."Something tells me we're gonna have a problem on our hands with whatever Satan has planned." Shadowgun started his chopper and nodded in agreement."I know they already know to stay alert. So let's go." They soon caught up wth Ghost and Lostit. Now the brothers, or the four, were headed to Satan's lair, ready for anything.

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