Chapter 11:All Or Nothing

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When Shadowgun clashed with everyone else, there was a shockwave that blew the front of Satan's mansion away, leading to an open battlefield. At first, Shadowgun seemed like he struggled to manage all of his attackers, but with each passing moment, he grew more accustomed to each person's fighting style. And I'm pretty sure some of you want to know what those fighting styles are. Who would I be if I didn't explain them? Anyway, here they are:

Phantom uses his speed to his advantage. This means he attacks before he needs to or almost too late to hit his target. But he also goes for heavy-hitting attacks to match his speed.

Lostit glitches every now and then against his will. A video will be after this so you can see what I mean. But anyway, these glitches are impossible to predict because of their randomness. So Lostit uses it to his advantage by attacking lightly until he glitches. When he does glitch, the few attacks that follow are more powerful and meant to do more damage.

Ghost warps back and forth through his portals to keep from being his and to avoid any allies tart are fighting alongside him. It's really that simple with him, honestly. But he can change how fast or slow they appear and how long they appear for, which makes it harder to deal with when trying to juggle the fighting styles of others as well.

Insanity is an...interesting one. She uses her claws to float and attacks when there's enough space for her to swing her claws without hitting her allies. But when it's a 1v1, she goes all out, depending on the opponent.

Montana is one of the few that doesn't use much energy, so she isn't flying as much as everyone else. But she did use her sword and gun combination so that when she was close, she could attack with her sword and fire with her gun when she needed to make some room between herself and her target.

Luna's attacks were simple and straightforward. She bit, slashed, clawed, and repeated. But she was quick in this process. She would also leave out parts of it to confuse her enemy. Smart, but risky.

Finally, Fire Queen. She attacks quickly with her dual swords and uses them to block, deflect, reflect, and more. She does have small moments where her entire body lets off a wave of black fire or her body bursts into black flames and sets enemies alight.

So, with all of this, you'd think Shadowgun would have at least a little bit of trouble keeping up with each technique, but no. It was actually the opposite. As the fight went on, he found it easier to manage the seven attackers. Every now and then, he would take out his sniper and spin in a circle to give himself breathing room. After the fourth time he did it, everyone stopped where they were. At the moment, everyone seemed like they were fighting at their fullest. Well...except Shadowgun. He was completely unscathed while his brothers had bullet wounds and the Careless sisters had bruises from the fact that Shadowgun didn't shoot at them, but he used his guns as melee weapons against them. Shadowgun reloaded all of his weapons as everyone else conversed about what they would do. It was clear that they were losing ground to Shadowgun, and they needed a plan, otherwise they were headed back to square one:the void. Within a few moments, they got ready for round 2. Instead of going in all at once, they started attacking in pairs. First up was Ghost and Fire Queen, each with a burst of black fire and rapid kicks from opposite sides of Shadowgun. Then came Lostit and Luna. Lostit brought down two twin katanas on Shadowgun as Luna brought her front two paws down on him at the same time. With each attack, Shadowgun blocked with one hand for each attacker, which left him open. Phantom saw this and started acting on it. The next pair was Insanity and Montana. Montana swung her sniper towards Shadowgun's chest and Insanity did the same, only she was behind him and used her claw. They kept using this strategy because it kept everyone out of each other's way as well as gave Shadowgun a reason to be more careful about what he did. After about 5 minutes of this, Shadowgun was struggling to keep up until they all surrounded him and charged at him from all sides. When they were about ten feet from him, everything froze. Shadowgun pulled out his shotguns and spun around in circles, shooting randomly. When he dropped the guns, however, everyone un-froze and dropped to the ground, each with multiple bullet wounds from Shadowgun's slug shotguns(instead of it being small pellets, it was one magnum bullet custom made by him.) When everyone was immobilized, he started walking back up to Satan, ready to be sent back to the world of the living. Phantom slowly stood and began to speak.

"It...doesn't make sense...what's your end goal? W-what could be worth leaving the only family you have left?" Shadowgun stopped and looked back at him."...saving other families." Phantom was standing now as his smoke formed spirals around him. Everyone else was completely drained, so it seemed like Phantom was the only one able to take Shadowgun on."Don't you think it would be a better use of your power to keep people that already made those mistakes down here? Think about it, you basically have unlimited power. Power that you won't have if you go back. Power that-" "I don't have," said Shadowgun."All the power you think I have isn't real. You've never paid close attention to my fighting style. I attack without being attacked. Cause the second I get hit, half of my strength is gone. All while the rest of you show true potential." Luna turned back into her human form, still wounded, and started to speak."What are you talking about, Shady? What potential?" Shadowgun pointed to each person while he spoke."Fire Queen, Goddess of War. Ghost, Beyond God. Luna, Goddess of Nature. Lostit, God of Creation. Montana, Goddess of Wisdom. Phantom, God of Destruction. And I haven't even been able to determine what Insanity's gonna be. You're all headed to places I could never go. It's about time I face the facts...I'm not getting any stronger. This is my limit." Phantom looked down with a saddened expression. Then, he quickly looked back at Shadowgun as if he had remembered something."If this is your limit...why do you continue to fight?" Shadowgun turned his back to Phantom."For two reasons. Firstly, I'll never back down from a fight if it's worth it. And secondly, to see if you'd remember what you learned from me centuries ago:if it ever came down to a fight between me and you, I wouldn't hold back. So you either leave with my life..." Phantom's eyes turned small and purple as his arms were covered by the smoke that surrounded him. His shirt turned into smoke and reformed itself into a war hammer that was so long, even with the handle behind his back, he had to hold it to the side. Then he finished Shadowgun's sentence."...or I don't leave at all. Never thought it would come to this..." Phantom's left hand(the one that didn't have the hammer)became completely covered in a purple gauntlet that went from his fingertips to his shoulder."...but you'll die by my hand!" Shadowgun nodded a bit as he pulled out both of his revolvers and reloaded them. Then Shadowgun spoke for what would be the last time before the last fight."You finally intend to kill, I'll do the same. I apologize, Phantom." They dashed towards each other and clashed in a bright flash of light, knowing what was at stake. Who will walk away? And who will join Shadowgun's daughter in the void when the fight between brothers concludes?

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