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I wake up to the sound of my alarm clock bellowing in my ear and  head to the bathroom to do the girly things  which I will not tell you about

 then I go to my clothes or as I like to call it Narnia and pick out a random outfit

I grab my keys and put on my glasses then get  my book bag before I head out of my apartment and down the stairs and head to school, by the time I make it to school the assembly is about to start

I realise the whole school is watching me, it doesn't take me long to figure out why

as I walk to the school building  someone bumps into me

they looked at me with so much fear in their eyes you would think they were being kept at gunpoint, I give them a blank stare hiding my emotions

"You bumped into me and I would like an apology," I say coldly, I would be afraid of my own voice if it didn't come out of me

"so..sorry" they said 

i nod and head into the school with people clearing a path for me as I walk, I guess they must know of my past

I grab a chair in the back of the hall and wait for the assembly to start the lights dim and a tall figure begins to speak 

"Welcome to motion excel mangrade excellent high home of the wolves" he spoke

"so meme high" I thought to myself snickering a bit

"yes any way my name is Mr Bob unas terry tutor"

"so Mr butt" someone from the back  yelled and the whole room started to laugh

"how mature" I thought

"yes that is my name any way welcome one and all as you know this year rouges are attending our school so as to see if they are worthy they will have to fight our best in whatever category they choose if you are a rouge please step up to the podium, "Mr butt said

me and like 3 other dudes all gut up and went on stage and I noticed 2 things 

1: I'm the only girl 

2: we are all put on leather jackets so we look like a gang

"we look like a gang," boy1 said

"I would be the leader "boy 2 said

"no way I would, "boy 3 said

"how  about we fight and the last one to draw blood gets to be the leader and then the leader gets to drink the blood of the losers mate and enslave the losers and their family," I said

"shes the leader, "they all said looking like they were about to shit themselves 

"thanks, " I said 

"stop it all of you will please just pick a category "my butt said

"fight,"we all said at the same time 

"okay  boys yours will happen tomorrow because yours will take time to plan and because you " he said pointing at me "are the only girl you will fight against mia  in an hour there will be two fights one In human forme and one in wolf, " said the butt

"now that that is out of the way you can introduce your selves "

after the boys were done it was time for mine 

"Hey my name is Athena, I can speak 3 languages, I hate everyone and that is about it "and with that, I walked back to my seat 

and waited for the assembly to end

1061 words

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