2 Athena

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as the assembly was ending an alarm rang and then things went batshit crazy with people running away 

then the smell hit me 

'smoke 'said my wolf Belinda

'no shit Sherlock'

'just shut up and run'

'will do my lady '

then I ran like the devil was chasing me 

I made it outside faster than most of the other kids then walked to my bike waiting for everyone to get there when I made it there I sat down on it 

whenever one finally made it out Mr butt said school was cancelled and that I and this mia's fight would be tomorrow 

I was so happy I could take a bath before having to go to work I started my bike and saw the same group of kids from before blocking the way I made my bike purr again but this time louder sacring the crap out of them and making some of them jump 2 meters in the air 

I laughed so hard I was crying I almost fell off my bike 

then when a sobered up I was off


"honey I'm home!!! " I yell as soon as I walk into my one bedroom apartment 

i take a quick bath then change into my work clothes  then head to "the clearing" (name of cafe)


Ethan pov:

"wakeie wakeie my big baby" I hear an annoying voice say 

"hey mia," I say sounding annoyed with cloder inspection I notice that we are both naked

"its time to get ready for school"her annoying as shit voice says 

'if she is so annoying then why did you fuck her' my wolf jax said

'cuz she's easy and I was horny'

'you'er hornier than me ' Jax said

'shut up!' I yelled at him

"BABE!! BABE are you paying attion to me "mia's annoying voice said 

"ok ill be right down"


I get to school really late but thank god everyone is still outside so I and a bunch of my friends just stand around talking for a while

about 3 minutes later I hear the purr of a bike and turn around to find the most amazing bike ever my eyes scan the bike then the owner just as they take off there helment and what is under it is an angel

she looks to be 5'9 light green hair with black rootes, grey with a tint of gold eyes and she has on all black and let me tell she looks hot 

I watch as she starts walking to the bulding a path forming for her and a kid who was not looking bumed into her she did not take it lightly she lifted him off the ground and said in a voice that made me shiver 

"you bumbed into me and I would like an apology"

the kid looked like he just shit his pants

"s-s-sorry," he said

"see now was that so hard," her amazing voice  he fell to the floor she had a look of amusment on her face as she saw him fall to the floor

shortly after that, the hall openend then after an etrnity of wating Mr butt finnaly showed up

  "welcome to momton excel mangrade exelent high home of the wolves" mr butt said

"so meme high " I heard her say 

the whole chrowd sarted laughing 

"yes any way my name is Mr Bob terry uterus tutor"

"so mr butt" she yelled and the whole room started to laugh

"yes that is my name any way welcome one and all as you know this year rouges are attending our school so as to see if they are wrothy they will have to fight our best in what ever category the choose if you are a rouge please step up to the podium, "mr butt said

her  and  3 other dudes all gut up and whent on stage 

"we look like a gang,"dude1 said

"I would be the leader "dude 2 said

"no way I would, "dude 3 said

"how about we fight and the last one to draw blood gets to be the leader and then the leader gets to drink the blood of the losers mate and enslave the losers and their family," she said sounding very serious

"shes the leader, "they all said looking like they  shit themselve

"thanks "was all she said

"stop it all of you will please just pick a catigory "mr butt said

"fight," they all said at the same time

"okay boys yours will happen tommorow becouse yours will take time to plan and becous you, " he said pointing at her "are the only girl you will fight against mia in an hour there will be two fights one I human forme and one in wolf, " said the butt

"now that that is out of the way you can introduce your selves "

after the boyse were done it was time for hers

"hey my name is Athena, I can speak 3 languages, I hate everyone, and that is about it "and with that, she walked back to her seat

and waited for the assembly to end

as the assembly was ending an alarm rang and then things went batshit crazy with people runing away

then I smelt it smoke 

I looke over to her and saw her looking far off into the distance

then she ran like the devil was chasing her

she made it outside faster than most of the other kids then walked to her bike waithig for everyone to get there when she made it there she sat down on it 

when ever one finally made it out mr butt said school was canceld and that she and this mia's fight would be tommorow

I saw  her start her bike and saw the same group of kids from before bloking the way she made her bike purr again but this time louder sacring the crap out of them and making some of them jump 2 meters in the air

she lauged so hard she was crying she almost fell off her bike

her laugh was amazing 

*982 words*

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