8 Athena Pov

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Athena could not take it Ethan's orbs, ...his eyes,...their eyes it was too much for her to handle she ran out of school as fast as she could she rode home shaking the whole she (as fast as she could) parked her bike in the garage 

running up the stairs  to (the 5th floor room 56B) her heaven,her home she felt so free in her own home it was like escaping the outside in 

she burst in (locking the door after she came in of course ) running to her lavatory she looked into the mirror seeing the same thing that haunts her nightmares , she saw what she looked like when she was still...his

this should terrify the crap out of her, this should be something that makes her try to take her life back, back from the voices, back from the nightmares, precisely this SHOULD but it DIDN'T 

  this did not scare the crap out of her, this was not something that makes her try to take her life back, back from the sounds, back from the nightmares 

the only thing that this did was to make the world go grey like someone turned off the switch designated "colour" she could not stand it 

the voices

 the memories

 the performance that she puts on every day

that she is fine

that she is happy 

that she is fearless 

that she does not wake up some days wishing for release 

it was all too much for her she needed an outlet and she only knew one 

the silver blade... 

it was the only way she told herself, she had to no she needed to she was hooked 

she was hooked on pain...

she brought it out of where she had stored it in an attempt to stop cutting 

'so much for that'

she thought as she revived the healing cuts on each hand but it was not inuf the pain was not inuf she needed more, she desired more 

she cut two more on her right arm then everything became unsteady 

'maybe if I cut more I'll finaly die I'll finally be freed '

she thought as she cut one on her left arm everything was still spinning and it was getting cloudier as well she cut one last line on her left arm as she fell to the floor  

'finally' she thought as the world turned black it must have been such a peculiar sight to see 

a 17-year-old girl on a tile floor her chest nearly not moving five cuts on each wrist with blood seeping out in an AC/DC shirt and shorts smiling what a weird sight indeed

Athena awakened on a tile floor, she woke up she was not supposed to wake up she was meant to die 

"why can't I do anything right," she said as she got up from her place on the cold tile floor she made her way to her bedroom 

a quick look at her phone told her that she had been out for two days three if count Tuesday and now it was currently Friday evening she missed her first week of school well most of it

she spent the rest of the week in her room only ever leaving to get food or to use the bathroom and by the end of it new scars were healing while the ones she reopened where still fresh

it was Monday morning and she did not feel like trying today thankfully she had grabbed the role of bandages so the scares where easy inuf to take of 

She chose to were a black hoodie with some black sweatpants

"no need to dress up anyway"

She said as she looked herself over in the mirror she noticed her hair was getting a bit too long for her likening deciding to go the salon after school she headed out she got ready for school

Her final outfit was a black hoodie and you guessed it black skinny jeans some vans and grey headphone

Heading back to the garage she spots the bike she plugged in her headphones to her phone and was off half way to school and 'boy in the bubble' by Alec Benjamin

She saw a coffee shop deciding that she had not had a one in a while she stepped in she the line was short with only two people there so this was going to be fast

As she stepped out of the coffee shop with her you guessed right again black coffee what an adventurist she saw a guy getting robbed in an ally making an actual half-a-second choose to help the poor chap

What she saw absolutely shocked her a 50-year old looking adult male getting robbed by a 30-year old looking man

'are you shitting me' she thought as she walked into the ally to help the man

"this is no place for a little girl ran along," the 30-year old looking dude said my GOD he sounded like he was 100! For heaven sakes how does one look 30 and sound 100

Athena did not respond instead walking closer to the 130-year old man or however old he even is

"leave now or this could get ugly"

'like your face 'she thought she knew if said a word it would spoil the whole 'strange teenage girl' thing she had going on

So again she said nothing and walked closer to his 30 fucking-year-old -looking ass and he did not like that let me tell you he started to fume let me tell you

well I guess I just did

Any way...

Mr I am 30 and still single over here starts to run at her she quickly dodges all of his blows but one that gets passed her and lands on her eye

And now the world goes from grey to red in flashes

She throws stroke after blow after slapping after the crash she is no longer fighting to help a life she is fighting to end one and let me tell you it's not pretty

"stop oh god please stop"

She hears a shout from be hide her no doubt the 50-year old man

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