7 Athena POv

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the speaker blared making Athena stop right in her tracks the whole lunch hall did

"this is your principle I am here to tell you that the fight for the strongest female between mia and Athena will start after lunch, mia and Athera please make your way to the fighting grounds thank you that is all"

Athena completely forget all about the fight she had not fought in a while she was sure that she was going to lose and voices in her head did not help either 

she made her way to changing room rather slowly what was the point in running the fight could not start without her 

since she forgets about the fight she did not bring any clothes to fight in so she had to were her black skinny jeans with her black AC/DC shirt 

but there was still one problem ...her scars

how on earth would she hide them she was starting to panic until she saw the bandages on the bench she quickly grabbed them and put them on making sure to cover every scar, in the end, it covered up most of her arm 

as she was heading out she saw a basket labelled "extras" full to the brim with clothes 

'how did not see this before'

 she thought as she looked through it, in the end, she found a pair of black shorts with red on top she chooses to be her shirt since she could not find anything else to were in her size 

after she was done she walked to the fighting ground she thought about how quiet the school was without the students constant talking she hated it she hated quiet 

quiet meant bad things for her 

yes it is weird for someone to like sound over silence but she did not care she was how she was and she liked it 

and that fact was what was funny to her how she could love herself so much but put her in a quiet room alone for 1 hour with her thoughts and she would be begging for death ...she always did have a dark humour 

she made it to the grounds while she had the inner monologue she saw mia already standing there with a wooden staff in her hand wearing what Athena thought to be a bra and short-shorts looking angry and annoyed

 in fact, when she looked around she saw everyone's face was like that

'most likely because of you'  the voice in her head spoke 

she made her way to the big white circle in the middle where Mia was standing looking angrier by the second 

"took you long inuf what where you even doing in there," mia's annoyingly high voice said 

Athena shrugged her shoulders in response 

"Finally you are here let's get this started Athena get a staff "Mr butt said Athena went to the rack and got a wooden staff 

"you know the rules no weapons except the staff, oh and because Athena here take so long you will only have one fight but you will be allowed to shift whenever you want "

MR butt moved to a viewing box high above the bleachers the students were sitting on she also noticed the other teachers where there to too

"BEGIN!!"Mr butt yelled from his high chair (it was higher than everyone else)

THE FIGHT (if you do not want to read scroll down till you see bold letters)

Mia ran at Athena at full speed screaming something along the lines of "i am brick" or "i suck dick" Athena could not really tell 

as soon as she was close inuf Athena used her staff as a trampoline and jumped into a tree she sat in the tree looking down at mia's angry face


"you sure you want me to" Athena replayed 


"as you wish my queen, " she said as she stood up on the branch she did a mock bow then turned around and did a back flip landing facing mia 

"you asked for it babe," she said when she got down 

"AHHHHAH" Mia yelled as she ran at her Athena blocked every one of her blows and hits with her staff

"my turn, " Athena said as she sent blow after blow at mia each more powerful than the last mia was on the floor crying in pain when she was though

"call me when you are done,"  she said as she hopped back to her tree it took three minutes until mia got back up and yelled a "GET BACK HERE " at Athena

"sure thing"

she said as scaled back down mia was fuming she ran at Athena but she moved to the side making mia hit her head on the tree 

the whole crowd laughed at that 

mia looked mad when she turned around she shifted right there and then into a large dark brown wolf 

Athena laughed her wolf was bigger but she did not see a reason to shift so rather end the fight as quickly as she could she simply walked up to a shifted mia and hit her on her head right in the middle an old trick she had learnt from a friend 

mia fell to the ground with a thud the battle was over Athena won she was the strongest female of the pack 

"to congratulate Athena please welcome our alpha Ethan," Mr butt said 

'ALPHA...Alpha...alpha'the word ran in Athena's head over and over again she feared and hated alphas ever since...him

she was shaking and screaming on the inside she knew she looked like she could not care less but on the inside, she was a mess this is how she always was even back then before it happened she was always the cool girl she could never really show her feelings 

"Hello?" she heard a deep voice say it was Ethan she did not know how she already knew his voice by heart but she did 

she felt so stupid he must have been standing there talking to her while she was staring into space lost in thought 

"Hey," she said looking down she knew she looked like she had not a care in the world but all he needed to do was look into her eyes to see the inner pain she felt being next to him

he raised his hand up and out of reflex she stepped back and braced herself for impact but it never came she stood there waiting for god knows how long waiting for a hit that would never come 

she slowly raised her head to see a pair of blue eyes looking right at me his eyes were amazing they reminded me  of the ocean calming and life-giving the longer i looked into his eyes the more they started to look like...his

they were almost the same colour but Ethan's was lighter...his where darker showing a different type of ocean a dangerous and murderous one

 one that drowned me, one that takes away my happiness, my reason to fucking live take it all away and the longer i looked at Ethan the more he began to look like...him

i could not take it i ran, i ran faster than i ever have as i ran memories of him ran through my mind recollections of...them

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