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I and Sam were making out for a while until we heard "ew fags" Mia yelled and I responded by giving her the middle finger and then pulling away from Sam and telling her

"its, really late I guess I should take you home did you bring your bike ?" I asked Sam "yeah, " Sam said  then we walked to her pink bike

"its, really late I guess I should take you home did you bring your bike ?" I asked Sam "yeah, " Sam said  then we walked to her pink bike

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"it gets cuter every time," I said "just like you"

then sams whole face turned red it was too cute cum on I said hopping onto my own bike just then it started raining 

sam sighed the turned to Athena "oh no it's raining I guess you better go home straight if you don't want to get sick"

"yeah I guess I really should "

"bye for now dummy "

"by babe"

I watched her as she walked to her bike and rides off

i think about how much i can't wait to see her again

if only i knew 

when I get home I change into my Batman onesie and fall asleep before my head even touches the pillow 


I wake up and feel like shit well no really I feel nothing at all this is how I feel every day I just get little pockets of colour before the world turns grey 

I head to the bathroom and to take a shower when I pass by the mirror 

''your ugly as shit' and queue the never-ending voices in my head 

'why are you even still alive'

'kill yourself you hoe'

'kill yourself'

  'kill yourself' 

 'kill yourself'

'kill yourself'

'kill yourself'

'kill yourself' 

"SHUTUP!! SHUTUP!!  SHUTUP!! " I scream to try and make them stop they never stop

at this point, I need to fell something...anything

I grab my blade from the drawer and cut 1..5...9 I lose count when I can no longer see my arm i wash off the blood in the sink and see the cuts starting to heal 

curse me and my stupid werewolf powers 

I need something that lasts longer, something I can see so I know just how useless I am 

I look through my closet till I find what im looking for my silver knife I head to the bathroom still holding the knife 

I make my first cut and the pain hits me like a tsunami 

'yes this is what I want sweet sweet pain' i think to myself as I cut more and more until I have almost lost all feeling in my arm I look down and see that I've only made three cuts on each arm

'if this is what three feels like I wonder what ten would be like' I think to myself as I clean up the blood I notice that the scars with the blade are gone but the ones with the knife still look as fresh as when I made them 

since I can't let anyone see my cuts I head to my closet in search of an outfit I pick out a black shirt with a black jacket some black boots and a dark lip

  and I headed to school feeling like crap  

the closest thing I could find is on top

as I get close to school I see the same group of kids as last time still standing there 

'when will they learn'

i think to myself as I have to yet again make my bike purr sacring the living daylight out of them i park then take off my helmet and laugh my ass off 

"that"laugh" will"laugh" never"laugh" get"laugh" old"laugh I say as i head into school and the same fucking kid from yesterday bumps into me again and the little shit still does not say sorry

so i have to yet again lift the little fucker off the ground by his shirt look his dead  in the eye and say 

"listen to you little shit i don't know what your problem is but i will tell you for the second time you bumped into me and would like apologise"

"i-im s-sorry i was not looking and i was"

"Oh shut! up! i asked for an apology not your life story"

"oh s-sorry"

"thank you and do you know where the front desk is "

"yeah it's straight down the hallway"

"thanks, "i said and put him on the floor

"Oh and sorry about dropping you before"I yelled as i walked into the school 

i walked int the office and saw an old lady in there 

"hey im Athena I'm here for my shit"

"that is no way for a lady to act" she shot back

"good thing im a woman"

"well i never"

"well i do"

"what's your name miss" she finally gave up good i was running out of comebacks


"im mean  your last name miss" its been so long since I've used my last name i toke me a second to remember it 

"smith," i said and watch as her eyes went out of her head 

"what?" i asked sounding confused 

"nothing dear" then she handed me my things 

i saw i had history (a/n my fav subject)  

so i headed there after 3 years of looking i finally found it but before i entered i thought my outfit could use some glam so looked through my bag and found my two pairs of purple sunglasses

after i was done i walked in and can you guess what i see the frikking greek god who's name is Ethan as i found out at the cafe 

with :

mia -the lump of plastic and some of her minion's whose names i do not know

jake-the fuckboy




Noah-who looks like me so you know he's fine

'oh please your as ugly as it can get'

'i see you're still here'

'you know it, babe'


Ava-the chick that speaks Spanish

Logan-a really scary looking dude

"Hello there my name is Mr Johns and well come to world history please tell us what your name is and a little bit about yourself"

"Hi my name is Athena don't talk to me and we won't have a problem"

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