Her eyes His mind

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she saw what he could do

she even wondered how it was possible for him

to be so strong in a moment of anger

she knew that she could never hold that much pain inside

she was amazed by the look in his eyes as they looked as if he'd been crying

she also recalled the scary calm expression on his face during the entire day

she admired his strength and willpower against anything that came his way

she knew that the boy could probably feel her eyes burning into his back

but she didn't care because she was safe there

behind this boy in the shadows

where no one could hurt her

though nobody could her more than she hurt herself

she had been in the thick of bad days all around

you can learn a few things in being that girl

ever since sophomore year I've hadn't had a good day

all because of the boy in front of me

it's his fault I can't talk without being shunned

it's his friends fault I don't eat

with them telling me that I'm too ugly and fat for anyone to even look at me

I know now that the boy ahead of me is dealing with the tough days now

me I'm just doing great....

no one will ever pick on me

or push me into the lockers


I'm just me that girl

that girl who the boy in front of me found me

though it was too late then

all of the threats to just end it all was all too real for me to handle

I just gave in

that boy ahead of me found me in the girls locker room

I hanged myself in the showers

funny thing is no one came looking for me

no one thought I was good enough to save

when I was late to my last class no one was worried about me

I'm just me

that girl who no one gave a second glance to

the girl who was tormented for three years on a daily basis

with no one having the guts to stand up for me


I'm the girl that my bully found; bloody, pale, and dead

my eyes open gawking at his face just waiting

so now every time I see the boy his pain radiates off him yet he is always so calm and staring at nothingness

because I that girl

changed him without him physically knowing

mentally he will never sleep another night without fearing my limp body hanging from the shower stalls

I am the girl that everyone will be forced to forget

because I was a nobody I didn't matter

he the boy who bullied

me will never forget all those threats and physical abuse he and the school put me through

no he will never forget

I will always remain that girl

the one nobody really knew

I was just waiting for my time for the spotlight

it's sad I only got it when I did what they wanted me to do

I finally gave in and what?

nothing just the same old day nothing different except for my bullies minds are changed forever

whether they like it or not


A/N: this is just a work of fiction. I am sorry if this disturbed anyone. I just wanted to write a poem that I felt strongly about. which is bullying and the after effect of it. I understand that it could of been a bit graphic with the ending and her dry sarcasm about her life. but I just really wanted to write a serious poem that I care a lot about. thank you for reading and please Always Tell Someone. I know it's hard I've been in the similar boat, just don't kill yourself. they're people in this world that love and care for and about you dearly. DON'T LOSE HOPE, UR STRONGER THINK!!!

CopyRight MyTimeWasYesterday

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