Chapter 4

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 This chapter is dedicated to my sister, @justayoungwriter23. Feel free to check out her books.

Song: Happier - Marshmello ft. Bastille

Emma's POV

I decided to dress comfortably because I couldn't let clothes restrict my escape. My wolf was screaming threats at me the entire drive to the mall because she wanted to go back to Aiden. 

"Stop bitching, he's not worth it." I rolled my eyes.

When I said that she growled out, "I'd watch yourself or it'll come back to bite you in the ass."

By then I was angry, "What are you gonna do about it bitch."

Then I just started laughing at the irony. I tried to ignore the fact that everybody in the car was staring at me like I was a lunatic. In all honesty, I was. I had slaughtered countless people in my quest for revenge in my quest for revenge. 

But I could never bring myself to kill an innocent pup, Although robbing them of their families was probably just as bad. I know I should care about what I was doing, but I didn't. I lost my humanity when I first killed at the age of 10. It was my nature. I reveled in the kill, in death. My wolf was a pathetic romantic. I, on the other hand don't have time for love, because I live in the real world.

 I put in my earbuds to block out the girls' annoying chatter of the stuff they wanted to buy. I heard one say she was going to buy some lingerie to impress her mate. One of the males turned bright red at that. 

As we got closer to the mall, I started reviewing my plan in my head. The car came to a stop, and as the girls piled out, the boys were watching my every move. Damn. I turned so all they could see was my butt. They knew I was challenging them.

"Why are you staring at my ass, last time I checked you all had mates." They immediately looked away, and I took that as an opportunity to slip my wallet onto the seat.  I closed the door and walked into the mall without sparing any of them a glance.

I got a lot of stares, all of which were ignored. I looked behind me to see all the wolves running to keep up with my fast pace. Oops. That was a total accident. It's not like I was trying to ditch them or anything. Note the sarcasm. So when they caught up with me, the girly bitches said they wanted to go to Forever 21. Gag. (A/N I actually like this store.)

 After forty-five minutes in there, we left. Then American Eagle, I decided to look for a leather jacket. I found one with faux silver zippers. Seemed fitting. 

I grabbed one in my size and walked up to the checkout. I looked in my purse and faked surprise when I couldn't find my wallet.

"Fuck. I must have left it in the car." 

They looked at reached other and I knew they were using mindlink. 

I rolled my eyes. "You can come with me if you have to. I know my shitty excuse for a mate told you to never let me out of your sight." 

They all growled simultaneously because of what I had said about their alpha. 

"Watch what you say. You may be our future Luna, but I will not tolerate you disrespecting my Alpha." 

He used his Beta tone. I growled back with as much ferocity as I could muster. They cowered. I laughed. 

"Come at me bitch." He growled. "You think you're all the shit. News flash, you aren't. I don't even want to waste my time fighting you." I looked at the girls. They all looked scared, but one had another emotion. Anger. I looked her dead in the eyes and back at the wolf. He was seething in anger. "You better calm your mate down before he shifts in front of all the humans." 

She ran over to him and he visibly calmed. They were all weak. Strongest pack my ass. they were nothing compared to my birth pack. Soon they would all fall.

"Be careful who you challenge, pup. I don't usually leave survivors." Jasmine looked at me with this scared looked in her eyes. Bitch thought I was a nice person. Ha, she was just another one of my pawns. Unfortunately for her, my pawns usually ended up dead when I was done with them. Typically killed by me. I can't afford loose ends. Or people who you owe favors to, that's another way to end up dead. She was stupid. You should never trust a rogue.

 Even after all that, the girls wanted to continue shopping, so the Warrior and Gamma walked me to the car. I grabbed my wallet, and as I was putting it into my purse I pulled out my liquid wolfsbane. I turned around abruptly and hit the unsuspecting wolf across the head forcefully, knocking him out. I injected him with wolfsbane to keep him from mind linking the pack when he woke up. 

I turned to the Gamma, but instead of running away like I expected him to, he stood his ground. I tried taunting him, but he didn't get angry, he just ignored it. 

"Not bad little pup." 

I stepped forward preparing to attack. I threw a punch he dodged to the left thinking I was attacking to the right. I wasn't. He recovered quickly and tried to attack me, I ducked and hit him in the back of the head. I grabbed him and put him in a chokehold. 

He flipped me off him and I landed sprawled out on my back. By now I was getting angry. I ignored the pain and pretended like he had managed to knock me out. The little fucker fell for it. He leaned over my body to make sure I wasn't bleeding. I quickly jumped and injected the remainder of the wolfsbane into his neck. 

"You put up a good fight. I almost feel bad." He put on a brave face. I smirked in return and his face fell. " Almost." And I knocked him out.


I hoped you liked this chapter.

I had fun writing it.





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