Chapter 5

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Song: So Close - NOTD, Felix Jaehn feat. Georgia Ku and Captain Cuts

I shifted and ran. Unfortunately, with the unexpected transition, it was rough, and I tore my wound open a bit. The pain was hindering, but I knew I couldn't afford to slow down. Aiden and his boy toys would be on my trail soon, and my only advantage was a head start. I couldn't lose it.

I knew the wolfsbane I had injected the two with wouldn't last long; only an hour or two, if that. But it wouldn't keep them down, they would wake within the next few minutes. And either way, it was a fast drive back to the pack grounds, and they could alert the other wolves almost immediately after they woke. They couldn't shift or communicate though, which was helpful. For me, at least. 

However, I had a problem. Aiden's territory was fucking huge, and I didn't have a clue which way I was supposed to be going. I've never had a very good sense of direction. But I knew as soon as I got out of Aiden's backyard, there was nothing they could do. I would be free. I just had to make it to the border of this goddamned territory first.

Olivia kept begging me to go back, our mate needed us, his pack needed us, but I reminded her that if he got in my way, I would kill him. Revenge is my priority. Not some lovesick puppy.

I pushed myself to run faster. I didn't have much time. My breaths started to come out in pants, and I knew I couldn't last much longer at that pace. My wolf knew that she wouldn't be able to take control of me, being that I was stronger, so she asked if we could take a short break.

I knew I had to take a break because I could potentially die of overexertion. After a few minutes, I got up. I was about to break out into a run when I heard the distant running of water. I ran toward the source of the sound.

It normally would've only taken me one minute, maybe two to make it, but I was so tired, it took me about five. It was hard to stand. I took a long drink, sighing as I felt some of my depleted energy return. Good, I would need it. I took a deep breath. I knew I had to lose my scent, and this was the only way. I got a running start and jumped into the rapidly moving water.

In my exhausted state, I had forgotten to shift back before I jumped in the water. I began to sink as my fur absorbed the water.

I tried desperately to swim, and I thought I would make it to the other side, but my limbs were exhausted. I went under. I stupidly tried to breathe within my bobbing up and down in the waves, but all I got was a mouthful of water. I was pulled under the waves, I swallowed another mouthful of water, and the world went black.


I heard the sound of rushing water and felt wet sand on my skin. My body throbbed. My muscles ached.  It felt like my eyes were glued closed. Every breath made it feel like my lungs were on fire. I dragged myself up the riverbank as quickly as I could muster.

It was then that I realized I was in human form. The sand from the beach got in my wound and caused irritation and pain. 

My eyes painfully snapped open at the sound of a lone howl. Suddenly, many others joined it. A pack. Dammit. I quickly sniffed the air to see if I was in pack territory. I wasn't. 

Why the hell do they want me so badly? Can't they leave me alone? I have made it perfectly clear I don't want to be a damn Luna. Stupid baby machines. 

My only hope now would be other rogues attacking the pack for invading the no man's land. 

I tried to shift, but I couldn't because my body was in such terrible shape. Oh, kill me now. I started to run. Although, it was more of a waddle because of my wound. It wasn't as quick as I would've hoped, but they were getting farther behind by the second. I was smirking when I felt a pain in my heart. I didn't know what it was, but it hurt like hell.

 I fell to my knees. I thought I was having a heart attack. That would make sense. Stress, heart, blah, blah, blah. But no, this was different, somehow, I knew I wasn't dying. 

Suddenly wolves came into view. I sniffed the air. It was Aiden's pack, but Aiden was nowhere to be found. I felt a pang when I realized he wasn't there, which only seemed to make the pain in my heart worse. What the actual fuck?

That was when Olivia decided to chime in, "For someone who doesn't care, that was an interesting reaction." she smirked. I could still feel my wolf, but she wasn't her usual self, not as strong. Well, my bad, she was still as annoying as hell.

Sometimes I wish I could kill her. But of course, thanks to the Moon Goddess, I can't not without killing myself or becoming human.

I can't seem to catch a break, guys. 

I saw the Beta and Gamma. They needed to trade positions, the Gamma had earned my respect from our fight. He deserved the Beta position.

Suddenly I had a craving for a cheeseburger. I was about to ask the Gamma if we could have McDonald's before he took me back to Aiden and the damn pack grounds. That was my last thought before I got hit by the pain again, and the world went black for the second time that day.



I wanted to cry while writing this chapter.

Do you think Aiden is an asshole?




Peace, Bitches

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