Chapter 14

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Song: Someone To You - BANNERS


The stench of death surrounded me. Blood covered my clothes. I was smothered by cold, dead bodies. It disgusted me, but I didn't understand why I was with them. As far as I knew, I was still alive.

The pain made me believe I was alive. All I felt was pain. My lungs filling up with fluid, my need to breathe, how much worse it hurt when I did.

Next thing I knew, I was being thrown onto a different pile of bodies. The only actual difference is, these one smelled worse, and had already begun the process of deterioration. Week old bodies. Maybe even months. Talk about gross. I held back my urge to vomit.

When I was completely sure everyone was gone, I painfully tried to sit up. I couldn't. I didn't know whether it was from my injuries or blood loss. Either way, both were bad.

I extracted my claws and began dragging myself out of the heap of bodies. I was going in the opposite direction that the other wolves had gone. I was hoping could make it somewhere without passing out first.

I kept trying to distract myself from by trying to figure out how I was still alive. I was a challenge. My father was supposed to finish me off. I could still feel the open wounds where his claws cut into my neck. Did they actually think I was dead? Did my father purposely spare me? I may never know.

Sadly, I was sure it was the former. My dad thought he killed me, just like he had my mother, and right now is probably continuing his "vision" as if slaughtering his daughter was a thing he did every other Saturday. It's a weekend thing. You don't do shit like that on weekdays, right? Sociopaths unite!

My father had gone bat shit crazy. I was normal with wolves once their mate had died. It would be worse if he was responsible. Or an Alpha. And he was both. 

I needed him during the two years I was being tortured by the rogue pack. He could've helped me, but he didn't care enough to save me, let alone let me know he was alive. And that made him a bat shit crazy asshole.

I had kept going for what felt like hours, the excruciating pain never stopping, but it looked like I had gotten maybe 500 feet tops. I couldn't tell whether or not my distraction techniques were working or not. 

So I closed my eyes and kept going. Dragging myself inch by inch across the ground, gasping for breath.

I wasn't tired though. Well, not in the way you think. I was tired of living. Tired of people stealing my happiness. Honestly, the way I see it, if you're dead, people can't ruin your life. Don't worry, I don't expect you to understand. Hopefully, for your sake, you don't.

My life had become even worse once I had gotten everything taken away from me again. I lost Nate, my father, and I had rejected my mate because of the fucked up excuse of revenge.

I opened my eyes. I could no longer see the bodies behind me. I was actually getting somewhere. So distraction was working. Distraction from the pain. Horrible memories to remind me of what exactly I left unfinished. I sighed.

Finally, I heard rushing water in the distance and my senses told me it was the same river I had used to evade Aiden and his wolves. Now, I was going to use it to get to him. The river was the pack's border, and that meant I was close.

I looked up slowly. The river seemed to be about half a mile away. I didn't know if I could make it across the river. Hell, I didn't even know if I could make it to the river.

But I couldn't stop. I knew I was too weak to stop my father, but maybe Aiden could. Maybe he can do what I couldn't and save his pack. And maybe he could even save Nate.

I had made it. Finally. I tried to find the shallowest part of the river. It was too far. I may never make it. I would probably have better chances crossing where I was.

I crawled into the river. So far the downdraft had been light, fightable. I got toward the center and felt the pull. I went under. I tried swimming. I tried pushing myself toward the surface, but I got nowhere. I kept swallowing water. It was filling in my lungs. 

I summoned the last of my strength and let out a howl. The world's saddest sound. The howl of a lone wolf.

I went limp in the water and let it carry me away. I heard another howl. A response. Help was coming. I might not die.

Suddenly arms dragged me out of the water and away from the currents. I coughed painfully and blood and water poured from my lungs. I tried to talk, to warn whoever saved me, but I realized I couldn't talk. Nothing came out. My father must've damaged my vocal cords. Damn it, of course he did. 

I was fighting for consciousness. I could see spots. I felt a hand brush a hair out of my face. "It's okay, Emma. I'm here. I got you. You're safe."

I looked up at the person who said my name. It wasn't Aiden. Then the spots overtook my vision. 


I tried to sit up, but I couldn't. I was strapped to a hospital bed. I couldn't move. What. The. Fuck. 

I saw Aiden. I opened my  mouth to yell at him, but nothing came out. 

"Yeah," Aiden said, "Aaron told me about your, umm, condition." He pointed at my throat.

Again, I tried to yell at him. I was met with silence. It would take a while to get used to this.

I guy walked in the room. "Emma, calm down." My face settled into a glare. I didn't know how he knew my name.

"Emma, it's me. Don't you remember?"

I tried to remember, but I had no idea who he was. 

"Emma, he's the one that pulled you from the river." 

That made sense, but I felt like there was something more. A connection. 

Again he answered my thoughts, "There is. It's a pity you don't remember me. My name is Aaron Ryker. But I remembered you, " he paused and did a respectful bow, "Alpha."

Aaron Ryker. That son of a bitch.


Sooooooo, who do you think Aaron is? 

What do you think will happen next chapter?

Should she get her voice back, or should it be permanent?

Let me know what you think?

If anyone can make covers, please message me. I'm horrible at it. Thanks.





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