Chapter 12

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Song: Love Is Madness - Thirty Seconds To Mars ft. Halsey


When I asked that question, his eyes practically popped out of his head. he shrugged and waved the question aside, "That is a story for another day."

"Okay, if you won't answer that, tell me why I'm not allowed to kill the people who killed mom."

"Bide your time. Get their trust. Make them feel safe. Then use that against them."

"So, is that what you've been doing for the past decade? Making them trust you? Because from where I stand, they trust the hell out of you, Regent. They deserve to die. Every one. These bastards killed my pack and the rest of my family. Your family." A true alpha would have avenged his pack. 

He cupped my face, "I promise you can do whatever you want with them once I am done. They still have some use to me. A one-man army can't conquer much." I nodded.

"Fine. But you can't keep me trapped."

"Whatever you desire. My daughter only deserves the best."

"Are you trying to keep me here with bribes?"

"I like to call it extravagant gifting. I just need you to stay." He sighed, "We are two powerful Alphas, together, we can accomplish anything. I need you by my side. I need my family back."

A stray tear fell from my eye, "I've really missed you, Daddy."

"I've missed you, too, pumpkin."

The next two days consisted of mapping, sending out tag teams to scout areas, and planning. I also got to spend time with Nate, who I had moved, along with his sister to private quarters.

Everything in my life was looking up. The only thing missing was my other half. But I couldn't focus on that. I had a person who cared for me, who I cared for, and half my family back. And for once in over a decade, I was content. I wasn't sure if I would ever feel true happiness, but it was a start.

I turned a corner and overheard my father's voice, "Attack at dawn. Prepare the wolves. "

I entered his office as his leading official were leaving, and kissed him on the cheek. "Hey, Daddy, what was that about? Who are we attacking?"

"Just business, pumpkin. A pack hasn't been leaving us alone. They are just going to take care of the problem."

"You aren't going to kill them, are you?" I asked, worried.

"No, it hasn't come to that yet."

Yet? Those words swirled around in my brain. I didn't want to believe my father would actually do that. Destroy an entire pack. Like it was done to us.

I didn't want anyone else to experience my pain. Of losing my family. Of my entire life. Of being alone. Of having to survive.

He was in another meeting with his rogue bitches when I entered. "I don't think we need to kill anyone. You leave them alone, and they'll leave us alone. Whether you want to believe it or not, packs do have honor." My dad dismissed everyone with a wave of his hand.

"Rogues only value strength through shed blood. You know that." I nodded. "How do you think I've stayed in power all these years? I can't just throw that all away now."

"Is that all life is to you? Power?" He didn't respond. That hurt worse than if he had. "You would damn people to my fate in the name of power? Fucking power?"

"No, I wouldn't." His face was stony.

"You-," I choked. "You don't expect any survivors." It hurt to breathe. "Fuck this. Mass murder? Who are you? Obviously not my father."

He tried to cup my face, but I pulled away. "No, I thought I was enough for you. That we could be a family again. I wanted that. But it turns out, my father did die all those years ago."

He didn't really seem phased. "I can do this without you, but it would be so much easier with you by my side. With your support."

"My  support for killing people?"

"I wouldn't put it like that..." He trailed off. Yes,he would, he just doesn't want to say it.

"No. Stop. I mean, I don't even know how deep you are in this cult. How long you've been with them. For all I know, you're responsible for what happened to our pack. To Mom."

He didn't reply. "Are you?" Nothing. "Answer me, dammit!"

"I didn't want her to die. It was an accident. I didn't-, I didn't want." He didn't continue. 

"Mom? You killed her?" I was stuck between murdering him and breaking down right there.

"I know, I know. It's my fault. But together we can control the packs. Bring every Alpha to their knees. Steal their power. I will be the only Alpha." 

"So this is what Mom died for? Your stupid cult? You killed my mother for what? You wanted to be the Alpha? That's bullshit."

"Come with me. We don't have to kill every wolf. I can spare your mate." He tried a bribe. It felt like my heart was being torn out of my chest over and over again.

I couldn't stop crying, "You're insane."

"No, I have vision. You can too."

"No, Daddy, I love you, and I always will, but I challenge you to ritual combat for your position and power as Regent of the rogues. Come on, Daddy. There's no one else here. If you really love me, you'll give up your 'vision'. Please. Don't accept the challenge."

"I accept your challenge. We fight tomorrow at sundown. Prepare yourself." His face showed one emotion. Not one hint of regret. Just annoyance.


OMG. Please tell me I was not the only one crying during this chapter. It might've been worse for me than you. Christ. I need some MCR therapy.

Sorry, I know the chapter is shorter than usual, but at least I updated.




Love y'all,


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