Chapter 10

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Song: Bleak December - Set It Off


One thing I should've realized sooner, I was definitely going to regret this.

Whoever this Regent guy was, he must've really hated me.

I shouldn't have gotten Nate involved, but I needed to stay away from other wolves, who happened to be Aiden's pack. Yeah, I know. The rogues were parked pretty close to my mate's pack.

They're probably going to get attacked soon. Then his pack would all die, just like mine did. But for some reason, it didn't satisfy me. I couldn't just let him die. I couldn't let them die. I wouldn't let them damn him to same fate I have lived with for years. 

I was currently locked in a cell, in what I assumed to be a basement. I looked toward my guard, "Hey jackass, can I please leave now?"

He laughed, "If you really think that the Regent will let you go for any reason, you are delusional."

"Who is this Regent person anyway? He mustn't really important or I would've heard of him sooner."

The guard growled at my disrespect to his leader. "Shut up, bitch." Interesting.

I take it back. It seems this Regent person has somehow inspired loyalty into hundreds of rogues. Most rogues leave their packs. They hate them, pack members, who they are, how they run it. They answer to no one. They are their own authority. That's why they despise packs. They hate people born stronger than others. They only value strength.

I started to formulate a plan. If they had an Alpha figure, they must have rules of challenge. If I could take control of the rogues, I could kill them. Every single one.

If not, all I would have to do is survive the challenge. It should be easy depending on who I'm fighting. I've done it before.

So I decided to act on my half-finished plan. "Hey, assholes. I want to see someone who actually matters around here."


"I also want a break from staring at your ugly ass."

"What did you just say?" He was more embarrassed than angry. A wolf's pride is everything to them, pack wolf or not. Disrespect is a challenge, but I was willing to risk it.

"You heard me." Now he was pissed.

"You know what? I'll take you to meet the boss. Maybe he'll even let me kill you when he finds out how annoying you are." He laughed, or tried to, it ended up coming out in loud snorts. It was an awkward few seconds.

Okay, so I would never admit it out loud, but I was kinda nervous. My palms were a little sweaty, and one of the soldiers noticed. He laughed, the other guy noticed and joined in.

"Glad I amuse you." I wasn't afraid of death, I was just scared of seeing my mother disappointed in me when I see her in the afterlife. To die without avenging her. Other than that, I would welcome death.

"Wait. Before I meet this famous Regent, I want confirmation that Nate and his sister are still alive."

"Why would I do anything for you?" He snickered.

"You underestimate exactly what I could do to you. A grave mistake on your part. Right now, this is me cooperating."

He sighed, "Fine." He radioed someone.

"We'll take you, but you only get a glance. No more." They pulled my arms and the silver cuffs I was wearing seared my arms.

"Shit." I hissed in pain. "What the hell, dude?"

He ignored me. We continued down the hallway. After making quite a few turns that I don't think were necessary, we got there. They must've taken the extra long route to make my escape less easy.

"Emma! Jesus! I thought they had killed you. Don't ever disappear like that again." Not like I had a choice or anything. "I am happy they didn't kill you though."

"I wouldn't hold your breath."

"What did you say?"

"It doesn't matter. I just came to say goodbye. In case I don't see you again."

"What are you- why wouldn't you-" it seemed to click in his head. "No. No. Don't do it. It's too risky."

"Goodbye, Nathan." I turned to my guard, "Let's go." He grunted. I ignored Nate's futile screams as we left.

We began to walk toward a well-guarded door. This jackass obviously wasn't wolf enough to trust his own abilities. Little pussy. This seems too easy.

The guards led me into the room, very roughly might I add. I would be sure to return the favor when I defeated the Regent in my challenge. I would enjoy it. Maybe even torture his mate in front of him. 

The guard decided that was a good moment to interrupt my thoughts. He tugged me onto one knee with him. A very respectful gesture, even most alphas didn't require. It seems my target enjoys flattery. Sees himself as a king. Would make sense that he's targeting the packs. I can use it to my advantage.

We stood up abruptly. "Sorry to interrupt you, boss, but the prisoner demanded to see you."

"Demanded?" 'Boss' asked in an amused tone. Not what I was expecting.

I sniffed the air. Something felt weird. I had no doubt that it had to do with the man on the other side of the room. 

For some reason, I felt comforted, safe, and I had no idea why. It had a sense a familiarity attached to it. I cause me to relax temporarily, to let my guard down. 

"So, what would you like me to do with her, boss?" I may be female, but how dare he assume my gender? Dick move. I didn't voice my thoughts, though. I was still caught up in that scent.

"Leave her here, Hudson. I would like to speak with her alone. Dismissed."

They left silently. The man turned around and my breath caught at the sight of his face. No. It can't be. This is impossible. I'm hallucinating. 



Let me guess. You were expecting this the entire time. Yeah. I bet. 

If you answered yes to that, then you either lied, are super smart, or can predict the future, cause' guess what? I didn't even plan that. The truth is I just write whatever pops in my head, and if it works, I use it. 

Just so any of you know, I would love to read any story y'all would write. 





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