Chapter 15

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Song: all the kids are depressed - Jeremy Zucker


The demons of my past were coming back. Soon, I would be met with my dead mother. 

Honestly, I knew I really wouldn't, but it was less painful to joke about it.

I mean, what kind of sick joke is the universe trying to play on me? First my father, now my beta? And he had to be a part of Aiden's pack. His beta blood had actually helped him get promoted to the rank of pack warrior.

In the past three days, I had been told all of that. But I had only two ways I could respond. 1) Scream at Aaron through the mindlink, or 2) write it down. Me personally, I preferred the first option.

Honestly, I hadn't really processed most of the stuff I had heard. The way I saw it is if Aaron survived, maybe others could've too. My mom could be alive.

"No." The voice broke me out of my thoughts. Aaron had come in. I raised an eyebrow. "She's not alive. I saw her body. They killed all of them."

Then how did Aaron survive, I wondered.

He looked at the ground. "It doesn't matter."

Was he working with my father? 

"Your father's alive?" That's right. I hadn't told them yet.

And I wasn't going to, until either I could talk again, I was 100% sure we could trust Aaron, or they were under immediate threat. Right now, it was none of the above.

By then I had blocked Aaron from my thoughts. It was a little difficult since I hadn't needed to do it in over a decade, but I managed. 

"Seriously?" He had noticed the block. "What are you hiding, Emma?"

"I'm not hiding anything you deserve to know."

He seemed a little hurt. "Okay, yeah, I get it. You don't trust me. That makes sense. But I'm going to find out what you're hiding."

Wishful thinking. "Was that a threat, beta?" I put emphasis on the last word as if to remind him of his place and who he was speaking to. 

"No, Emma, it's a promise." I tried to growl. A gut reaction that caused severe pain. Blood came up my throat. I threw it up all over myself. Eww.

"Emma!" Aaron freaked, "Are you okay? Do I need to get Aiden."

"I'm fine, now go. I want to be alone."

"But, Emma!" I held up my hand and he fell silent.

I used my Alpha tone through the link. "GO! LEAVE ME ALONE!" I'm sure the entire pack felt my accidental burst of Alpha power.

Aiden ran into the room, "EMMA! EMMA! What's wrong?"

I turned away so I wouldn't have to look at either of them. "Come on," I heard Aaron say, "She said she wants to be alone."

I felt hot tears streaming down my face. Ever since I had been kidnapped when I was seven, I had horrible anxiety. All the yelling didn't help either. Now it was hitting me worse than ever. My father trying to kill me, finding out Aaron is alive, and having another attack looming over my head, also, the thought that I might not be able to save them.

I tried to sleep. The doctors said it might help. But I couldn't. My mind was racing. I knew I wouldn't be able to sleep again until my dad was no longer a threat. Because I would die knowing I wasn't strong enough to beat him. 

And then it hit me. I couldn't beat my father because I was not strong enough. We both fought the same way. He was just faster and stronger. But there was a way that I could become stronger. 

I needed to have a pack backing me, but there is no way in hell I was mating with Aiden. Besides, I had Nate.

I knew exactly what to do.

"Aaron!"  He ran into the room with blinding speed. He was shirtless, his lips were swollen, and his hair was messy. Oh, God, please tell me I did not just cock block. Christ.

"I know what to do."

"About what? Does this shave something to do with why you were thinking about your dad earlier?"

"Of course it does, now go get Aiden!"

He ran off and returned seconds later with Aiden behind him, "What is it, Emma?"

I took a deep breath, which I really didn't need to do since I wouldn't be doing any talking. It was just for show. Aaron, darling, talk for me?" He nodded.

"I have decided to tell you both about a threat on your lives." Suddenly, they were both paying very close attention. "It's my dad. He's the threat. But I have a plan." 

"You're shitting me. Please tell me this is a joke." Aron threw his hands in the air after repeating what I wanted him to.

Aiden chimed in, "What do you mean? Why is he a threat? Isn't your dad just some rogue?" I laughed mentally at his cluelessness.

Aaron scoffed, "Wait, you don't know?" Aiden looked confused, "You're her mate, yet you don't know anything about her, do you?"

"Former mate," I chided Aaron, "I rejected him."

"Same thing." He rolled his eyes.

"What are you talking about?" Had we forgotten about Aiden? Oops.

"Do you think I called her Alpha because she was your mate?" Aiden nodded, "NO! She was born a goddamn Alpha! My goddamn Alpha!" Aiden was frozen with shock.

"But you're a rogue. I thought-, "I cut him off.

"I let you think what I wanted you to think. That was fake, this is real. My father is born and bred for war. He slaughtered his own pack and mate. He thinks he killed me."  Aiden furrowed his eyebrows, "Who do you think did this to me?"  I pointed at my neck. Aiden growled."You shouldn't be worried about me. Given the chance, he will wipe you out. He is insane and ruthless. And he's coming to fucking kill all of you."

"He won't get past my defenses."

"He got past ours."

"My pack is strong. My wolves are trained to perfection. We can fight off one wolf."

"He has an army. And I don't think even your wolves could survive this wolf. Do you really not know who I am? You think if my pack was wiped out, I must be from some weak line, right?" Aiden nodded, "Do you not know what pack Aaron is from?"

"My father initiated him into the pack. Not me."

"So in your clueless assumptions, you have decided that I am a weak Alpha turned rogue."

"Not weak, it's just your pack must not have been very strong."

Aaron laughed and I used my title I was taught at the age of five, "My name is Emma  Germain, daughter of Alpha Edward and Luna Elane Germain, and former heir of the Bloodstorm pack. Alphas bow to me. I am far from weak."

Aiden spoke slowly, "What is your plan?"

"It's simple,"  I turned to look at Aaron, "I need a beta."


So, Aiden actually knows who she is now.

An interesting development in their relationship for those who still ship them.

Please tell me what you think.





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