Chapter 16

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This reminds me of a scene later in this chapter. You're welcome to all the Clexa fans out there. 


They understood what I was trying to do. But we couldn't enact it until I was healed enough to speak. It took two weeks, and for someone with my patience level, it seemed like an eternity.

I figured out that I had my voice back weirdly. I was trying to summon Aaron. I wanted a soda, but he wouldn't respond. I got so pissed that I screamed, "Dammit, Aaron! I just want a goddamn soda!" My throat ached.

Then, suddenly, two sweaty males appeared in my room. Huh. They must've been training. Aiden spoke up after catching his breath, "Are you okay? We heard screaming."

I laughed mentally. Oops. "Sorry, that was me. Aaron wouldn't pick up." I pointed at my head. I was weirdly calm for someone who hadn't spoken in weeks. 

"It's not a phone call, Emma." He froze, "Wait, you got your voice back?"

"Yeah, dumbass. You do hear me talking, don't you?" I looked at Aiden who I had been spending a lot of time with lately, "We should all prepare for the ceremony."

So there we were, dressed in ceremonial pack attire. And, no, it wasn't some stupid ass robes, it was battle armor. 

Aiden handed me a knife, and I sliced my hand, "I, Emma Germain, Alpha of the Bloodstorm pack, accept you, Aaron Ryker, as my beta and second in command. Accept this honor and take the oath."

Aaron slit his palm, "I, Aaron Ryker, accept the position as beta and a member of the Bloodstorm pack. I swear loyalty to you. My life is yours, Alpha." He knelt.

I felt myself surge with power. No wonder my father wanted this. I thought I was strong alone, but I didn't know anything. Suddenly, I felt Aaron in my mind. It felt wrong, I had been alone for so long.

"Go home to your mate, Aaron. Tell her what takes place tomorrow." Once he was able to explain that he was now a beta of a different pack, she would join my pack. He had a day to convince her. We could only hope she would be agreeable.

I know what you're thinking. This is your master plan?  Yeah, it is. I was not strong enough as a rogue, so I fixed that. Now, I'm an Alpha.

So I decided to take a walk around Aiden's pack, and I started to feel very self-conscious. People were bowing their heads to me reverently, and I didn't like it, which was weird because I normally loved the attention. Does this mean I had to be responsible now?

Then an arm grabbed me and pulled me into a room. My reflexes kicked in, and before I could think I was holding someone in the air, by the neck. It took me a minute to realize it was Aiden. He tapped my arm twice as if requesting I let him go. 

I dropped him and he gasped for breath. "Sorry. It's just my reflexes. they're faster, I'm faster." He was still gasping for air, "And obviously stronger too, okay."

"Yeah, I can feel your aura. When you said you weren't low-level, I wasn't expecting this. Puts me to shame."

I smirked, "I put a lot of people to shame. Don't take it personally." He was staring at my lips.

"Aiden?" I asked with a small smile, "You still there?"

"Yeah. Uh-huh. I'm fine. But-"

He crashed his lips to mine. So many thoughts went through my head. The first one being Nate. The second one? I couldn't breathe.

I pushed him off. The smile he was wearing faded. "What's wrong?"

"Aiden, I can't." I felt guilty. I don't know how, but I must've led him on.

"But when you came back- I thought, What?" He looked dejected.

"That's not why I came back. I did it to help you. I'm sorry, Aiden, but there's someone else."

His sad look turned angry, vengeful. "Well, you moved on fast." His words were dripping with venom, and it stung.

There was nothing to move on from. "If I remember correctly, you moved on first. Don't you dare blame this on me. What was her name?" I spat the words.

He hung his head, "Bria."

"Yeah, well, you should remember that the next time you try to pretend that this is my fault."

Aaron walked in, "Alpha?"

"Yes," Aiden and I both replied.

He smirked, "Am I interrupting a couple's spat?"

I glared at him, "You are interrupting nothing. I was just leaving. Did you need something?"

"Alycia agreed to join the pack. Should I prepare everything?" That was quick, but then again, who refuse to be beta female?

"Yes. I will be right there." He left swiftly.

"You led me on. All that time we spent together. You coming back. You let me believe that you were back for good. That you came back to be my mate. That you came back for me."

His words were like a slap across the face. "I know, but I didn't mean to, and I'm sorry. I know my words don't mean much to you right now, so I won't waste my time. If you'll excuse me, I have a new pack member to initiate." He nodded making sure to meet my gaze. He was angry, "But remember, Alpha Douglas, we both need this alliance." I put emphasis on the word alliance. Not to hurt him, but to get my point across. 

"I understand completely, Alpha Germain. It is simply an alliance. Nothing more. We fight together, and our packs are allies. We are just allies." It looked like it pained him to say it. it hurt me too. 

Things are different now since I became an Alpha. I was losing people. 

To him now, I wasn't his mate, I wasn't Emma. I just another Alpha. Just another person, in a group of people. And I think I lost him.


So, an interesting development in their relationship. If you can still call it that.

Aiden knows that Nate exists. 

Does anyone still think that Aiden and Emma will get together? Just wondering.

BTW, I want you all to know, that I will spill no tea.





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