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There was nothing London wanted to do more than to sit back with a glass of expensive wine and rethink her future. Of course, she couldn't afford the expensive wine and to rethink her future would only make her more miserable. Her life was going nowhere.

London Wan Liang was stuck.

Visitation hours were over but London needed to see her mother so she bribed the guard at the entrance, which of course ate away more at her budget, but today was different. Today was her mother's death anniversary. She couldn't wait to visit her tomorrow. At exactly 11:16PM her mother had been declared dead. At exactly 11:16PM today, London cried her heart out.

She wanted her sister to be there. Gwen never really made anything easier but having her sister on a day like this would have been helpful, would have eased the pain a little. Losing loved ones... It hurt a lot and no one can really understand the magnitude of that pain until they lose a loved one themselves. Everyone eventually dies, everyone eventually experiences that heart-wrenching pain.

London often found herself feeling guilty for her mother's death. Could she be one of the reasons that her mother factored in when she decided to ram the car at full speed at that tree? It was a possibility and for that she could not forgive herself. As hard as she tried, London could not forgive herself and move on. She should have done better, should have reached out more, should have communicated, should have noticed when her mother stopped taking the pills.

With a tear stained face she finally managed to gather a semblance of herself and make it out of the cemetery to her car. Even then she needed a few more moments to recollect herself and when she did the first thing on her mind was that she needed a drink, but since she was in no mood for a crowd she headed straight to the liquor store.

Searching for the cheapest wine was a wild hunt and when she arrived at a bottle, another person was already there. She looked up and paused, completely stunned by the person who stood in front of her. Recovering at last, she breathed and smiled, hoping that the tears on her face didn't make her look like an absolute mess.

"You really must be stalking me," she laughed.

Andrew Cai stood there, wearing a pair of dark jeans and a t-shirt. The last two times she had encountered him he had been in a suit, probably because of work, and seeing him in jeans and a t-shirt was different — a good change. London's eyes were clearly not complaining at the beautiful sight.

"Destiny must work hard," Andrew said, his lips pulling up into an easy smile. She almost forgot his voice. Had it really been a week?


"Because damn, fate always brings us together."

Dead silence for one whole second and then — uncontrollable laughter spilled from her lips, his pick-up line registering in her head. It was rather lame in comparison to all the ones she'd heard before but in her mental state of chaos it seemed like the funniest thing she'd ever heard. And she actually found it quite good...? It fit for them anyway, what with them meeting each other without having arranged these meetings in the first place.

"That's probably the worst pick-up line I've ever heard," she told him, the laughter still in her eyes.

"I've never been great at lines but it did make you laugh," he pointed out and she couldn't help the grin that overtook her lips. She always seemed to be smiling, one way or another, around his presence and this was only the third time that they'd accidentally bumped into each other.

"You wanted to make me laugh?" she questioned, the smile lingering on her lips.

"You looked like you needed it."

Her smile faltered at his comment and he quickly rushed in.

"Sorry if I offended you but you really did look like you needed something to smile about so it was the first thing that came to my mind," he explained, smiling softly in the way that said he was trying to be gentle and kind which gave her mixed feelings. On one hand she appreciated the kindness but on the other it just made her look so utterly stupid.

She wiped at her face and ran a finger under both her eyes. "God, do I really look that terrible?"


She turned to him, gaze expectant.


Her gaze was now incredulous.

"You don't look terrible. I mean it. Obviously you look better when your eyes are not red and puffy and you haven't been crying but you honestly do not look terrible."

There was a statement she didn't have a response for. She stared at him, dumbfounded for a second, before a hesitant and confused smile inched towards her lips. "Thank you?"

"Don't mention it," he smiled warmly before giving her a wink.

She laughed, unable to control it. He never quite did say funny things but it was cute the way he said them and she found herself giggling at his comments.

Reaching for the bottle and grasping it by the neck, she said, "Fancy a glass?"

"Sure," he replied. "I'd love some company. My flat's nearby."

She raised her eyes to his, uncertain of his invitation. Was he inviting her over for just a drink or was there a whole different meaning behind his invitation? The day had not been a good day and while company didn't sound all that bad as opposed to how she wanted to spend the night alone nursing a glass of wine, she didn't want things to heat up between them. Not today. Not when her emotions were flying all over the place.

"Oh no," he jumped in after a fleeting moment of silence, when he understood the double meaning behind his words. "I never meant it like that. I got the keys to my flat yesterday and my daughter helped me move today. The place is just lonely so I had to get out. I'd appreciate some company, that's all."

London nodded, taking a moment to herself to decide what was the right course of action. It was a simple yes or no, and yet she found herself debating with both answers. He was married! Or wasn't. She didn't know what happened in the span of a week since she last saw him.

"What about your wife?" she voiced her concerns.

"She's back at the house with Aurora. My flat's actually not far from the place. But that's probably not something you want to know," he chuckled, rubbing the back of his neck as if a sudden nervousness had taken ahold of him. "Um, we're meeting the lawyer on Monday to settle the divorce."

London nodded again before she made up her mind and smiled. "Well, how about that drink?"

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