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note: here's the other update for this weekend! I'm going to try to write the next chapter within the next two weeks. I got some time off this week to write (and also to binge a kdrama) hence the updates. It's back to reality now *cries* 

I hope you enjoy this chapter! Please don't hesitate to drop your thoughts in the comment section and give this a vote if you liked the chapter <3 

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Andrew Cai was completely done with Talia Lancaster and her unreasonable drama.

"Seriously, what is your problem?" he questioned once he'd managed to drag her into his kitchen. "You already came by earlier this week to check the house and make sure I didn't booby trap it to kill our daughter. What are you doing here now?"

"Booby trap?" Talia asked, raising an eyebrow as her eyes roamed the kitchen. The state of the kitchen was a mess and if he'd had even an inkling of an idea that Talia would be stopping by for tea he would have certainly made the kitchen look presentable.

Andrew and Aurora had cooked lunch. They found an easy noodle recipe, with instant noodles of course, but Andrew could barely cook and Aurora wasn't exactly clean and organised. Combined together, the kitchen ended in a disaster, though lunch was definitely good. It didn't taste bad at all and he felt quite proud of putting something up that was edible and had actual taste to it.

He'd been thinking of inviting London over sometime for dinner. They could cook together. Maybe he'd pick up a few tricks from her and finally be able to cook. They could even make those special dumplings she made as one of the dishes that day of their first date.

"Talia," Andrew sighed. He wasn't tired before but one glance at his ex-wife and all the exhaustion poured into his body. "What are you doing here?"

"What?" she asked innocently. That woman was far from innocent. "Can I not come to see my own daughter."

"No, you cannot," Andrew finished, his gaze on her now angry.

"Excuse me?" Raising those stupid eyebrows of hers again, she asked, "Wasn't it on this condition that I let you have her for the weekend."

"I let you have her for the weekend," Andrew echoed with a laugh. This was unbelievable. "Your child is not an object to hand around and must I remind you that we have joint custody."

"I know that!"

Rubbing his temples with his both his middle fingers, he leaned back on the kitchen counter. "Why are you making this so hard?"

"I'm not making anything hard," she argued but it was a feeble argument, one that lacked conviction and strength. She knew she was making it hard for him and he knew that she knew she was making it hard for him so why did they keep going in circles?

"This is why I didn't want to get divorced," he sighed, closing his eyes and rolling his head back. Snapping his gaze back to her, he continued his reasoning. "I know that we don't work anymore. I know that we can't make it work no matter how much we try. We don't make each other happy. We haven't for a very long time now. But why did you think I was willing to overlook you cheating on me?"

"Your morals," Talia shrugged, and though Andrew barely got along with the woman that stood in front of him now, he knew of her habits and her behaviour. He knew that, as she stood there, that this conversation was the last thing she wanted to discuss.

"My morals?" Andrew echoed unbelievingly.

"Yeah," she nodded. "You don't like disappointing your mother and we both know how much Meiling Cai cares about appearances. Divorce is looked down upon, I get that, but your mother cares so much about appearances that divorce is not even a word that should exist in their dictionary."

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