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note: welcome to part iii lovelies! As always, don't forget to leave your thoughts in the comments and give this chapter a vote if you liked it. Uni is getting hectic again and is currently whooping my arse. Also, Godfrey Gao as Andrew is honestly so perfect. This man is way too beautiful. My heart cannot take it

 My heart cannot take it

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Enjoy the chapter! 

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London had to pick her car up from Andrew's house. She took some time to find the flat complex since it was night time last night and she wasn't really paying attention to her surroundings. She would have texted him but she didn't have his number.

Once she spotted her car she knew she had the right apartment complex and proceeded to head into it. She remembered his flat's number and when she got to his door she knocked, biting her lip in anticipation. She'd never mentioned anything about coming back here when she'd been here just the night before, and she could have come to pick up her car but there was no need for her to go up to his flat.

She was over thinking for when he opened the door, it was like he had been expecting her.

"Hey," he said breezily as he ushered her in and went back inside.

She followed him into the kitchen and the mess that met her eyes made her almost want to pull her hair out. It was a disaster. London, who was usually a very tidy person, found her hands itching to clean the place but she resisted. The urge was not strong but really, who could ever work in such an unorganized environment.

Her surroundings needed to be neat and organised.

When she was cooking she had a pretty clean bench. It was the only way she could keep focus and optimise herself.

"What the hell happened here?" she inquired, stepping further into the kitchen and walking towards Andrew who stood impatiently beside the toaster. He was half dressed. He had on a shirt and trousers but was missing his tie, belt and his hair was an incredible mess. His shirt was not done all the way up, revealing the white vest he had underneath. And despite the disheveled look, London could not help but admit that the rushed-hour morning look suited him well. Did he have to look so good with everything?

"I woke up late," he said, like that served as an explanation. "I would clean my mess up — I don't like being that untidy — but I have to leave the flat in twenty minutes if I have to get to my meeting in time. I've got divorce papers to sign."

Divorce papers. She wasn't sure why those words in particular made her heart soften."Here, let me," she said, batting his hand away and opening the sandwich press. "You go finished getting dressed."

"Thank you!" he exclaimed and disappeared out of the kitchen door.

London took his sandwich and tested it out. The instant it landed on her palette she spat it out. "God, this tastes disgusting," she blurted, unable to mask her distaste. Remembering that she was not in her own home she looked around as if someone might have overheard her. It wasn't an entirely rude comment but it wasn't all that kind either. It was a sandwich! How hard could that be? What on earth did he put into it?

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