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note: here I am, delivering on my double update weekend promise! I loved writing this chapter. Drama drama drama! Please do comment on your thoughts. I'd love to see what you think of the chapter and the characters, and do vote if you enjoyed the chapter. 

Happy reading! 

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A dinner.

That was the best that Andrew could come up with.

He feared that the night would end up with him losing an arm or two, but he had promised his daughter they would do something this weekend that involved all of them and he was determined to deliver on his promise.

"Stop stressing babe," London crooned softly, placing her soft lips on his cheek. "You're cutting the peppers way too big. Smaller sizes, please."

"I can't do this!" he exclaimed, throwing his hands in the air.

"It's not that hard to do, Andrew," she said, the amusement in her voice evident.

"There is a reason I'm not cut out for cooking — hey! What's that look for?"

"Nothing," she said, laughing lightly and shaking her head. She stepped towards him and spread her hands over his chest, looking up. "I just think you look kind of sexy in an apron."

The nervousness that rode his system lessened just like that. He smiled, his hands finding their way to her waist. "If that's your kink, I'd gladly help—"

"Andrew!" she exclaimed, going hot in the face.

"Just imagine," he continued teasingly, the mischievous gleam in his eyes twinkling. "Aprons, no clothes, this empty counter. All the fun we could have."

He could spot the shyness on her face, but he loved it. He loved teasing her, loved how easy the bedroom talk rolled off his tongue. Light, slow and fun — what the last few years of his life hadn't been.

His routine was broken but a new one was forming, and it was one that he deemed much more enjoyable. Much healthier to his livelihood.

"You're enjoying this aren't you?" she shook her head in faux disapproval.

"Every last bit," he whispered, swooping down to steal a kiss.

"Too bad," she replied smoothly, moving out of the way. "You get your work done and I might give you a kiss."

"A kiss. That's it?"

"Talk about desperation."

"I am desperate. You, London, turn me into a puddle."

She burst out laughing and his grin widened in response. "Wow, does that line really work?"

He shrugged, his smiling eyes taking in the contentedness of the moment. "Haven't dated much, remember?"

Her face softened, and she angled her face up at him. "I forget sometimes that you were married," she said. Her voice grew heavier as she reached for his hand and pulled it up, so that it was in both of their line of sights. His gold wedding band ring still sat there, unmoved. She'd never asked why he didn't take it off, why he was so afraid to part with it. He knew she wanted to know. He wanted to know as well. Whatever reason it was, it drew him to the ring. He was unable to take it off no matter how much he wanted to just bury all history with Talia.

He cleared his throat. "I think we should get back to cooking," he declared.

London side-eyed him as she returned to the stove. It wasn't like him to be eager to cook so the fact that he was told her that things had taken an awkward turn. He knew it and he knew she knew it as well.

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