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New Year's Eve was spent with Talia and Simon and though Andrew would have preferred for it to be just him, his daughter and his girlfriend, he accepted that Talia wanted to spend the new year with her daughter as well. He felt cruel for being selfish. Sharing is caring, after all, he told himself.

Dinner surprisingly went smoothly. It was enjoyable, filled with laughter and vibrancy. Even London and Talia seemed to be doing okay, despite the tension that was between them.

There was an hour left till midnight and even though Aurora clearly looked very tired she fought to stay up and witness the fireworks. Talia told him to put her jacket on if they were going out, like he wouldn't do that himself. He understood that she was only worried about her daughter's health but he worried too and he knew how to be a good parent. He wouldn't let his daughter leave the house without a jacket, risking being frozen to death.

London and Simon were talking about food over a glass of white wine and Andrew decided to sit outside with Aurora and enjoy his time with her till the fireworks went off. He asked Talia to join but she had just looked at him with pitiful eyes and said, "That's all right, Andy. The rest of us will head out when it's almost time for the fireworks. You enjoy yourself with Aurora."

Her words left him sceptical. That was not something that sounded right coming from Talia Lancaster. It sounded like she felt sorry for him, like she was up to something that would put him at a disadvantage but he didn't have much time to dwell on what that could be because Aurora had squealed gleefully at this piece of news and tugged at Andrew's hand, urging him outside.

He had zipped her up in a jacket, a scarf and gloves. He helped her into her boots and minutes later they sat outside in the front garden, laughing at something that Andrew had said.

"I can't wait to tell Carl that he's wrong," Aurora laughed. "Even Mariam. I'm always right."

"That's my smart girl," Andrew said, pride twinkling in his eyes. "Hey, how about we invite your friends over one Saturday? You'd love that wouldn't you?"

Andrew knew his weekends were valuable time with his daughter but building friendships was important too. He wanted to know more about her friends other than just their names.

Aurora, who was sat on Andrew's lap, frowned. "Mummy told me we might be moving so which Saturday can we do it?" Her eyes looked hopeful and Andrew's heart crushed at her words.

He swallowed, looking briefly away from her inquisitive eyes and towards the sky, to the stars, as if the answer lay within the galaxy. But his mind was running through her words over and over again. Talia hadn't mentioned anything about moving since their discussion, which was more or less another fight. And hadn't she told him that she'd think over moving?

No, that's not how it went, Andrew thought and his heart sank. He had told her to think over it, she had remained silent and he had left her office, miserable but still hopeful.

He quickly chided himself. Talia hadn't mentioned anything since their argument so perhaps there was not much meaning to his daughter's words.

"How does next Saturday sound?" Andrew grinned, bringing his eyes back to his little girl.

"Yay!" Aurora giggled. She wiggled in his lap, throwing her legs across the arm of the chair and leaning her head back against his arm. "Could we get ice-cream also?"

He winked, putting his index finger against his lips. "So long as you don't let that slip to Mum. It's still winter and you had the flu just last week. Mummy will have my head if she finds out."

Aurora pressed her lips together, resisting a smile, before she slid her fingers over her lips in a zipping fashion. Throwing the imaginary key over her shoulder, she whispered, "My lips are sealed, Ba."

"Good," he grinned, whispering back before tickling her.

She giggled. "Ba!"

He held up his hands. "I'm innocent."

She squinted her eyes at him and made finger guns at him. "Guilty."

"You don't have a witness," he said in faux haughtiness.

"I'm the witness."

"You lie."

She put a hand to her heart, copying one of the dramatic acts that he'd done before, "That's a lie. My father taught me to not lie and to always speak the truth."

He gasped. "You did not just pull that card."

She winked at him. "I'm so good at this, right?"

He rolled his eyes before he brought his arms around her and crushed her to his chest.

"Ba! Air!" she screamed dramatically.

He laughed, releasing her before placing a quick kiss on her forehead. "Drama queen," he muttered, shaking his head but an amused smile played on his lips.

She stuck out her tongue at him after she settled back comfortably into her old position. His legs and arms were a little sore from the continued weight of her body on him but he truly didn't mind. He treasured moments like these.

"At least I am a queen," she shot back, flipping her hair.

They slipped easily into that quick, funny banter that always worked for this pair that was father and daughter, the conversation slowly falling away as they took in the sight of the beautiful new year's eve sky.

It was a cold night but the starry sky was beautiful.

Aurora fell asleep sometime after. He strained his neck to check his wristwatch. There were fifteen minutes left till it hit midnight.

He would wake Aurora up with three minutes to go to midnight, he decided, or he might just let the fireworks wake her up because they were going to be undeniably loud.

He looked down at the little girl in his arms. He swept her hair aside, tucking it gingerly behind her ear before securing the scarf around her neck more tightly so she would feel less cold. She was curled up in his arms now, her head no longer resting on his arm but on his shoulder.

Smiling contently, he brought his arms around his little girl and hugged her, keeping her close to him and hoping she was more warmed now.

He thought life was perfect in that moment. His baby girl was in his arms and a new year was beginning. Perhaps life was not all that bad.

But, of course, his happiness was short-lived. He heard the front door opening some distance away, heard London's soft voice and Simon's, talking passionately so he assumed they were still on the topic of food, or tea which London felt rather strongly about. There was a tap on his shoulder and he knew by the lightness of the touch that it was Talia. He hated that she stood behind him, touching his shoulder like it would ease whatever she had to say next.

Andrew knew then why she said what she said earlier in the house, when she didn't want to join him and Aurora outside, why she wanted him to spend some time with his daughter alone.

He didn't want to look up, but he didn't have to for her hand squeezed his shoulder after a hesitant beat of silence and then she said, "We're moving to Ipswich."

Andrew looked down at his little girl. His heart hadn't hurt like this ever before. 

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