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note: second update of the weekend! Enjoy lovelies 💕

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Andrew got home early, dropped his briefcase at the entrance after he shut the door and then quickly removed his shoes before heading to the shower. Half an hour later, freshly showered and dressed in a pair of casual jeans and a shirt he hoped was date-worthy, he plopped down on the couch and called the house number.

The phone picked up on the third ring.

"Hello?" said a small soft voice.

"Aurora, sweetheart!" Andrew exclaimed, a smile capturing his lips instantly as he adjusted himself on the couch. "How are you doing?"

"I got two gold stars in class today!" his little girl told him enthusiastically.

"That's my girl," he commented. "So smart."

She giggled. "Mum thinks I should have gotten more than that other girl, Cassie, but Cassie is like some super genius."

"Cassie is an alien."

"Oh my god, that makes so much sense."

Laughing, and leaning back on his couch, Andrew said, "Have you finished your homework?" 

"Yes, it wasn't so hard. I waited for you to call. I'm glad you did. Mum said you might not call since it's almost bedtime."

Andrew frowned. "I'll call everyday, even if it's just to say goodnight. Ba got held up at work which was why I couldn't get home sooner. And traffic today was ridiculous."

"I forgive you, Ba," she said in that small soft voice that usually made Andrew want to wrap his arms around her little body. His arms ached, empty.

"This weekend is going to be amazing. We're going to have so much fun," he said and then heard some commotion happening in the background. He had a sinking feeling in his chest and when Talia's voice became only slightly clearer in the background he knew he was right. He hated when his gut feeling was right. Why couldn't it ever be wrong?

"I have to go. Mum is telling me to take a wash and go sleep," Aurora said into the phone, the dismay in her voice evident.

"It's not so late," Andrew protested, trying to sway his daughter though he knew he wasn't about to have his way. "We can talk for five more minutes?"

He could hear Aurora asking, "Five more minutes, Mummy?" He heard her sigh before her reply and knew that her mother had just denied her permission to talk to her father. Her father. For fuck's sake, it wasn't as if Aurora was on the phone with a stranger.

"Mum says it's getting late," Aurora said. He could sense the sadness in her voice and the frown on his lips only deepened.

"That's all right, sweetheart. We have this weekend all to ourselves. You and I are going to have so much fun."

"Can't wait," she squealed and he could hear the shift in her voice. Relieved, he allowed himself to ease up his worry and to smile. "Goodnight Ba."

"Goodnight, Aurora. Sweet dreams, sleeping beauty," he said into the phone, wishing he could kiss her forehead and see her eyes close shut as she fell into peaceful slumber. But his physical presence was not possible, not with Simon fucking Allerton in the house.

"If you want to call your daughter perhaps you should call earlier," Talia sniped as she picked up the line from Aurora. He was certain their daughter was not within earshot, otherwise Talia wouldn't be so harsh with him.

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