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note: most of part 9's chapters are short and I'm tempted to post it all together but must! resist! I'm so excited to share the rest of this story with you. There will be some time-lapses through part 9 and 10. Enjoy this update, more to come on Saturday xx 

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It had taken London all her energy to remain stoic and not punch Andrew when he had approached her. The instant his car was far enough from sight her knees wobbled and a dry cry escaped from her throat. That garnered attention from passers-by and she quickly ducked her head, blinking terribly fast in attempt to get rid of the tears that threatened to spill.

Sniffing, she wrapped Andrew's jacket tighter around her body and inhaled deeply. Her knees wobbled but for an entirely different reason now. It smelt so much like him.

When she returned back inside the pub it was harder to deal with Tristan. Or was his name Trevor? She could hardly remember. How could she when images and memories of Andrew filtered through her mind?

Despite her protests Gwen set up a date for London, telling her that she should get off her moping arse and get over Andrew. Gwen liked Andrew but she did not shut up about how much of an arsehole he was to be still so invested in his ex, even if it wasn't romantically at all. But even the supportive trash-talk from her sister wasn't enough.

"Andrew is a good man," Gwen had said at last, "But I guess it just wasn't meant to be."

"It certainly felt like it was meant to be," London had replied, lying upside down on her bed, feet propped up against the wall.

"I'm going to set you up on Valentine's Day, okay? You don't need to be thinking of that arsehole on such a great day," Gwen had offered, and London had declined, but of course, it never went London's way and here she was on a date with Tristan, or Trevor, or whatever the hell his name was.

"Hey, sorry about that," she said as she slid back into her seat. It was cold now. How long had she been outside with Andrew?

He laughed, his eyes crinkling at the corners. He was cute, no doubt, but not Andrew kind of cute. "An ex? Don't worry, I know all about that," he smiled.

"Oh," she laughed, though there was nothing funny. "You run into any exes recently?"

"No, but I did have one drunk call me," he said. "She was all like 'I miss you, Trevor' and 'why did we break up, Trevor.' This was last night."

So his name was Trevor, not Tristan. He looked to be more of a Tristan than a Trevor in her eyes but she didn't question it as she smiled and took a sip from her drink. She had managed to worm herself out of dinner and into just drinks, which she was thankful for. She could use the alcohol and he was paying, so maybe this date wasn't so bad after all.

They talked for a while, the conversation going back and forth, but nothing quite stuck. It was the normal, how are you, what do you do, what about your family, what are your hobbies. It was a complete turn off when he asked what she did and she told him she was a chef, only to have him cut in and talk about his favourite restaurants without allowing her to talk about her job.

A job which she loved very much.

Being sous chef at Tollerz still felt surreal. Just as one thing in her life started working out for her, another thing crumbled away. She loved Andrew and she knew he loved her back but something was holding him from moving forward — his inability to let go of the past.

She wanted to ask him how Aurora was, if he bothered to vie for sole custody, but she reminded herself that she was no longer a part of his life and associating herself with him would only make her hurt more.

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